“A smile is the shortest distance between two people.” – Victor Borge


When we think about our general health, often the last thing we think about is our pearly whites! Yet most of our nutrition passes by them continually, and poor dental health can greatly affect the microbiome in our gut.

Our mouth is full of bacteria naturally, and if we eat without brushing our teeth, the remnants of food between our teeth can feed pathogens in our mouth, which we then ingest. We can also have infected gums, chronic coughs, rotten teeth, amalgams, and inflamed tonsils, and all these issues add to the toxic residue in our mouth that ends up in our guts. So it makes sense to tend to the mouth as part of our bodily detoxification.

Aside from general health and wellbeing, Dr Levy has pointed out that an asymptomatic abyss in the mouth drain toxins into the lymph which then enter the breast and heart tissue – which he attributes to many cases of breast cancer and heart disease. He has successfully treated patients with advanced periodontitis within two weeks by simply having his clients remove the ‘infective presence’ that is causing the issue in the first place. [6]




As more and more people are aware, amalgam fillings are a dreadful tax on our health. They use mercury as a binder, which breaks down over time. Heat and pressure release toxic gasses from the fillings which then become absorbed into the mouth and gut also. There’s no point waiting for the mercury to ‘run out’ either – as that is when the filling falls apart. So the only way to reduce the toxic load from fillings is to have them PROPERLY removed by a biological dentist, and replaced with a non-mercury based filling.

Cute picture of young girl cleaning her teeth and looking at the camera

I used to know a lady that worked as a dental nurse for 17 years, with nearly half of that working alongside a biological dentist. She said the rapid improvement of myriad patients with acute and chronic health issues seemingly unrelated to dental health was unbelievably fast and effective, most notably people with severe auto-immune, mental and behavioral issues.


Need I say more? Only, brush after every meal, and every snack, to reduce pathogen feeding food particles having a non-stop party in your mouth. Dr Berg recommends brushing with a combination of this mixture after you have brushed with toothpaste.  1/4 tsp. baking soda, 1/4 tsp. Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, and 1/2 cup water. [7]

Young woman laughing broadly showing her white healthy looking teeth

I have reports of people painting DMSO directly on their teeth to remove plaque and heal gums. I have made and used a clove and DMSO mix to heal infected teeth recently, and it worked like a charm. Put about 30 crushed cloves in a glass container and cover with pure DMSO (this is the only situation to use it neat). Leave for about 7 days. Strain. Rub 1 or 2 drops onto the infected gum area as needed. Please read detailed listing on DMSO here as there can be safety issues when used with pharmaceuticals, caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, or any other toxic substances. And be aware using clove oil in the mouth can cause lips to dry and chap.


I make an MMS spray to use in my mouth between brushing teeth. Activate 10 drops into about 100ml of water, store in a small jar or spray bottle, and use a few sprays / sip to swish around and spit out as needed.


This is the process of breathing in steam of filtered water which may have additives for certain issues. Dr Mercola and Dr Levy advocate for the use of 1 tbsp. 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide dissolved in 2 cups of water in a nebulizer. This helps to clean all the pathogens out of the mouth for fast healing of the teeth and gums. [6]


A fantastic way to clean up your oral microbiome. There is quite a bit to say on this in the ‘OIL PULLING” segment.


To help rebuild the teeth try this mixture recommended by Tony Pantelleresco. Mix 2 tsp Trisodium Phosphate and 6 tbsp. Bicarb Soda in 600ml water. Shake to mix. Use a little to swish around in the mouth a few times a day, spit out then rinse with plain water. See video below for further details. [5]


A friend recommended an aqua cleaner which uses sonar to pulse high pressure water onto the teeth, removing plaque and pathogens. He claims it cleared up his chronic health issues by clearing the pathogens from his teeth. I haven’t tried this yet but you can buy them online.


FOOD [7][9]
  • Sugars and carbohydrates
Skillet with fresh chicken pieces and some greens all lightly fried
  • Healthy fats, grass fed butter, liver, chicken drumsticks and wings, and chicken bone broth.
  • Probiotic and Prebiotic foods; asparagus, avocado, kefir, sauerkraut.
  • Parsley, Garlic, Rosemary, Thyme, Clove, Curcumin, Oregano, Cinnamon.
  • Chewing gum – use gum with xylitol as it clears biofilm on the teeth.
  • COLLAGEN – this is crucial for gum health.
  • PROBIOTICS – they help eat up sugars and turn them into more probiotics!
  • GUM ARABIC – unsweetened natural gum from the Acacia tree, it suppresses appetite and is a prebiotic.
  • VITAMIN K2 – inhibits dental plaque.



Suggestions for affirmations you may like to use with kinesiology, meditation, prayer, visualisation, or your favorite tools for personal wellbeing:

  • My teeth are healing and regenerating themselves
  • I only crave foods and drinks which are healthy for my mouth
  • My oral microbiome is balanced and healthy
  • My jaw is naturally relaxed when I’m not eating
  • I only desire to eat when my body requires nourishment


If you are considering having your amalgams removed you must go to a dentist that is experienced in holistic / biological dentistry to ensure minimal mercury is released into your mouth.


[5] Pantelleresco T, 2014, Tony Pantelleresco – Regenerating Your Teeth, Herbs Plus Bead Works @ Youtube:

[6] Mercola J, 31 January 2021, Dr. Mercola – Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide, Chembuster @ Bitchute:

[7] Berg E, May 2022, The #1 Top Remedy for Dental Plaque (TARTAR), Dr. Eric Berg DC @ Youtube:



Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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