“It is no exaggeration to say that the composition of the blood is determined not by what the mouth ingests but by what the kidneys keep; they are the master chemists of our internal environment, which, so to speak, they synthesize in reverse.” – Homer Smith
Kidneys are two bean shaped organs that sit in the lower back on each side of the spine, quietly working away constantly to keep us well. They filter excess metabolites, vitamins, proteins, enzymes and more from the blood, and excrete them in the urine via the bladder. When other systems in the body are overburdened, they also deal with toxins food, medications, household chemicals, environmental toxins and more. They also bear the brunt of deficiencies of other organs, and this added stress can cause stones, infection and inflammation. [18]

If we begin a deep detoxification while our kidneys are already overloaded, such as mobilizing heavy metals from our fatty tissue which then present in the blood, the liver and the kidneys then have to work harder to flush even more excess substances and waste from our systems. So it is important to cleanse them first as part of your detoxification protocol to ensure they are functioning optimally before getting heavy metals and other deep toxins moving.
If your kidneys are compromised to the point of dis-ease then nutritional support is a little different, so please see the paragraph towards the end of this section for those with kidney issues.
Below are some ways you can aid your kidneys to remain clean, strong and vibrant. The number of tools and the types of aids you use will depend on how stressed or healthy your kidneys are, how much time and resources you wish to utilize, and what is available in your region.
It is advisable to speak with your health care provider to create a kidney care plan that will work for you, or if you have been tending to your health for a while you can create a protocol utilising some or all of these suggestions.
Essential Oils

Make a blend in carrier oil of clove, cedar, tea tree, eucalyptus and sage. Add a total of 12 drops essential oil to 30 ml carrier oil such as almond, coconut or almond. Apply this over the kidney area, on the soles of the feet in the kidney area (center of the sole) and on the ears. [18]
30 min per day – preferably on an empty stomach, to get everything moving and help flush your body out
Intermittent fasting
Reduce the amount of hours each day that you eat, so bring your meals closer together gradually. This gives the body a chance to flush out toxins and heal any damage to the tissues.
Kundalini yoga
There are many kriyas, or yoga sets, to help flush out kidneys, along with the rest of the elimination systems.
[20] Gancheva M, 2016, Day 33: Set for the Adrenals & Kidneys, Kundalini Lounge with Mariya: www.youtube.com/watch?v=26hfUDZG2f0
Massaging the kidney and adrenal gland points in the middle of the souls of the feet can help support kidney health. Apply firm pressure and slowly circle the area if desired with the thumb or a finger knuckle, for a couple of minutes on each foot.
Urine therapy
Contrary to popular belief, unless there is a urinary infection, there are no waste products in urine. The first pee of the day can be used homeopathically, by collecting a small amount mid-stream and placing one or two drops under the tongue. This gives a ‘snap shot’ of the body to the immune system, via the limbic system, to aid the body to heal itself.
Important note: This information is for people to support and maintain their kidney health. Some dietary aspects change if one has kidney disease and is on dialysis, so please see further information at the end of this Nutritional section.
Studies have demonstrated that diets high in red processed and meat and sugary soda drinks stand out in their adverse effects on kidneys, while those with a healthy diet consistently show lower incidents of kidney dis-ease.[7] In general as you would imagine, a diet high in fresh organic fruits and vegetables, healthy fats (tending towards vegetable and nut fats and less towards meat) and low in processed foods will benefit the body and the kidneys.
One point of note is that most doctors recommend avoiding coffee, but some studies demonstrate potential protective properties of filtered coffee on the kidneys. So you will need to tune into your own body and/or health practitioner to determine that, which is wise in any case.
- Processed grains, Starch, Sugar, Sweet soda
FOOD (organic where possible)[16]

- WATER – Purify your water, distilled if possible, and add a little Himalayan / Celtic / Sea salt.
- FATS – Avocado, Butter, Olive Oil, Eggs, Grass fed / Free range animal products. Buttermilk / Kefir (fermented milk – for probiotics. Add cilantro and pepper to taste)
- FRUIT & VEGIES – Apples, Beets, Berries, Broccoli, Celery, Cranberry Juice, Cucumber, Dandelion greens, Garlic, Ginger, Grapes, Lemons, Limes, Onions, Pineapple, Watermelon juice
- DRINK – Green tea, Wheat grass – fresh juice or powder
HERBS [15][16][18]
- ASTRAGALUS – decrease Creatine to improve filtration rate of kidneys.
- BEARBERRY (Uva Ursi) – reduce uric acid, urinary tract tonic.
- FENUGREEK TEA – soak 1 tbsp. fenugreek seeds overnight, in the morning boil in glass of water, add salt or lemon to taste. Sip to regulate blood sugar and clean the system.
- GOLDEN ROD – made into a tea.
- HIBISCUS – flush kidney stones, anti-inflammatory.
- MARSHMALLOW – to reduce inflammation.
- PARSLEY JUICE – high Vitamin C, anti-oxidant, kidney supportive. Add Corn Silk to further aid the urinary tract. To make tea place 1 tbsp. crushed parsley in 1 cup boiling water, steep 5-7 minutes, strain and drink to aid kidney function.
- STINGING NETTLE – bladder and kidney cell support, increase urination.

- B VITAMINS – aid detoxification
- GLUTATHIONE – master anti-oxidant
- MAGNESIUM – spray on the skin is more easily absorbed than oral
- MSM – high sulfur to aid detoxification, 1/2 – 1 tsp daily
- PROBIOTICS – maintain healthy gut biome
- VITAMIN C (up to 2 grams per day)
- VITAMIN D (aids calcium metabolism)
- DIGESTIVE AIDS -Ensure regular elimination and gut health to assist kidneys. Use Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Bone broth, Fermented foods, Probiotics.
- DMSO – 1 tsp in 5oz distilled / purified water per day. Needs education before use!!! See listing the DMSO listing under Supplements.[18]
- MMS – three week detox plan. Please see the section on MMS under supplements.
- MORNING FLUSH – Drink 1 cup warm water with 1 tsp. Bicarb soda. Follow this with 1 cup cool water with juice of 1/4 – 1/2 Lemon.[18]
If you are embarking on a heavy metal detoxification it is recommended to speak to your health professional first, especially if you have any kidney problems, as you may exacerbate them.
Suggestions for affirmations you may like to use with kinesiology, meditation, prayer, visualisation, or your favorite tools for personal wellbeing:
- My kidneys are working optimally
- My kidneys are strong and healthy
- My renal system is easily and efficiently keeping itself clean and healthy
The information below can be used as a guide with your health care provider. Please work closely with them to create a health care plan if you currently are dealing with kidney issues.
FOR KIDNEY DISEASE [17][21][22][23]
(for Dialysis patients see separate paragraph below)
CALORIES – It is recommended to restrict calories to 25-35 kcal per kg of bodyweight per day.
PROTEIN – restriction is suggested @ 0.6 – 0.8 gm. per kg bodyweight per day. This reduces the number of enzymes and toxins in the blood which lead to slowing down any damage to kidneys. If you are on a severe protein restriction, lower than stated, you may need supplementation with nitrogen-free ketoacid analogues (KAs) or supplemental essential amino acids (EAAs) so please talk to your health advisor. Although studies are not definitive, it is advisable to tend towards plant based proteins and reduce take fewer animal based proteins.

SALT – moderate to 1.5 – 2 grams sodium per day.
POTASSIUM – may be elevated with kidney issues so restrict intake.
PHOSPHOROUS – may be high in the blood with kidney issues.
WATER – sufficient intake will aid the kidneys to remain healthy. For dialysis patients the opposite is true as fluid can build up in the tissues and organs.
(Check with your health care provider for testing and personal recommendations for you.)
CALORIES – It is recommended to restrict calories to 25-35 kcal per kg of bodyweight per day, and 30-40 kcal per kg bodyweight for those on hemodiaysis.
PROTEIN – do not severely restrict, as the dialysis will filter excess proteins and amino acids. The recommendation is a minimum of 1.0 gm. per kg bodyweight per day.
POTASSIUM – Check your levels with your physician.
WATER – Restrict water intake as fluid can build up in the tissues and organs.
Most kidney stones are made of Calcium oxalates, which crystallize and the can cause intense pain when leaving the kidneys, or even obstructing them in severe cases.
At first sign of stone – drink 2.5 liters of water to dilute the oxalates in the kidneys. Then drink 1 cup of lemon juice which is high in citrates which dissolve stones.[19]
- High oxalate foods – spinach, almonds, chocolate, Swiss chard, beet tops, peanuts. Or take calcium with them.
Animal protein – they reduce citrates and increase uric acid, both of wish promote stones being formed.
Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, salt
TAKE [19][24]
- Stay hydrated to dilute the elements that crystallize and help the kidneys to pass stones.
- Apple Cider Vinegar – high in citrates and acetic acid and alkalizes blood and urine. Avoid if suffering from chronic kidney disease. 2 tbsp. in 250 ml water and sip throughout day.
- Basil tea – high in acetic acid which dissolves stones.
- Berberine.
- Chondroitin sulphate.
- Cod liver oil.
- Calcium – reduces absorption of oxalates.
- Dandelion root – stimulates bile, eliminates waste, increases urination, high in minerals, all of which support healthy kidney function. Take 3-4 cups of tea per day.
- Magnesium – decreases oxalate absorption.
- Pomegranate – anti-oxidant rich which prevents stone formation, and lowers urine acidity.
- Potassium citrate – it is an electrolyte to help maintain hydration. It is also a citrate, which alkalizes acid stones.
- Vitamin C – lemon juice is beneficial as it also contains citrates.
[15] Berg E, 2020, 7 Early Signs of Kidney Disease, Dr. Eric Berg DC @ Youtube:www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xU_NUu3ey4
[16] Yogendra, H, 26 July 2021, Kidney Disease Signs & Symptoms | How to Cure, The Yoga Institute @ Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhNJVlDhB98
[17] Dr. Frita, 1 April 2020, Kidney Disease Diet: How To Eat Right With CKD, Dr. Frita @ Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TplgDQRpb88&list=WL
[18] Vollmer A, 23 September 2019, Kidney Health – Holistic Approaches, Yummy Doctor website: www.yummy.doctor/video-list/kidney-health-holistic-approaches/
[19] 1st Sign of a Kidney Stone: Do This: https://rumble.com/vcmnpd-1st-sign-of-a-kidney-stone-do-this….html
[20] Gancheva M, 2016, Day 33: Set for the Adrenals & Kidneys, Kundalini Lounge with Mariya: www.youtube.com/watch?v=26hfUDZG2f0