Adsorber, Analgesic, Anti-hypertensive, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-oxidant, Anti-septic, Carrier, Detoxifier, Diuretic, Heavy metal binder, Hydrophilic, Nutritional aid, Oxygenator


Allergies, Cellular detoxification, Eczema, Gut health, Heavy Metal toxicity, Immunity, Microbiome, Nutritional absorption, Oxygenation


Adsorbs and neutralizes toxic heavy metals in the body. Reduces aggregation of Graphene Oxide – which may be causing illness in the inoculated


Image: Hut_Me; CC_BY_2.0

Fulvic Acid (FvA), also known as black gold, is made of elemental ions and develops in the soil as part of decomposition and geological processes. The negative charge of the acids attracts trace minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, generating a fertile soil.

It is the smallest particle of three acids that make up Humus – alongside Humins and Humic Acid (HA). Humic Acid develops in the same areas as Fulvic Acid , so it is automatically included in this essay.


FvA has been used both internally and externally in Ayurvedic medicine for around 3000 years as found in Shilajit which is essentially compressed humus. [38] I have used it and my body loved it!! Its rich composition acts as an anti-oxidant, balances the microbiome and is an effective anti-inflammatory, [38] all of which are very useful for the general health of the body. Due to its ionic nature it acts as an effective carrier in the body, helping nutrients to be absorbed into cells.


The negative charge of Humic acids act as an adsorber of toxic metals, so they bring nutrition in and take out the trash. One of their unusual qualities is the ability to chelate in-organic materials and actually produce organic ionic minerals out of them.


Several studies in China on certain plants have shown that Fulvic acid and Humic Acid reduce the aggregation of Graphene Oxide (GO), and enhance the storage of Graphene Oxide in vacuoles (organelles which bind toxins to be eliminated from the host), deeming it a potentially effective antidote. [35][37] It also reduces oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage from Graphene Oxide. [35] Similar studies on aquatic life forms found that HA mitigated acute or chronic toxicity in various forms by around 30%. [36]


A 60 day study on the toxicity effects of internal use of Fulvic Acid in rats demonstrated no reportable signs of toxicity. [39] It is generally considered safe [38] but considering the escalating environmental toxins found globally, even in remote areas, I would be seeking a reliable source that has been tested for heavy metals.


Due to some Fulvic Acid sources being potentially toxic, and the fact that there is no particular FDA approval or RDA, it is recommended to use a product such as Shilajit if you wish to supplement your intake. 100-150mg a day will give you enough FvA as well as other nutrients. It comes in liquid, resin, powder and tablet form, so use according to the instructions on your packet.


Fulvic Acid can come from sources such as polluted lakes and coal, so it is recommended to get Shilajit which contains 5-60%. It comes from the Himalayan and Siberian mountains, and is the only source of FvA that is ready for human consumption.

  1. As Fulvic Acid cannot be isolated, it cannot be measured, so all supplements will always be an estimate. You cannot get 100% pure Fulvic Acid.
  2. Due to its detoxifying effect on the body, too much Fulvic Acid at once can cause a Herxheimer reaction while the body clears itself out. While this will pass, it is unpleasant and does put additional stress on the liver as it cleans out the blood. So go gentle – you don’t need huge amounts.
  3. Due to being a carrier it is recommended to take Fulvic Acid at least 2 hours away from medications and herbs as it can enhance their side-effects.
  4. As with other carriers, only use distilled or osmosis filtered water as elements such as chlorine may react with the Fulvic Acid.


To date scientists have not been able to isolate and replicate Fulvic acid due to its complex nature – including its tendency to change form depending on its environment. So, happily for me, the way to access it is via extraction from natural sources.

Bright red apples on a bed of compost beginning to decompose
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

As Fulvic acid develops in the soil, it makes sense that foods growing in or close to the ground will be higher in Fulvic acid, especially if grown organically. This includes root vegetables such as carrots, beetroot, parsnip, radish, ginger, turmeric, maca, dandelion root, onion and garlic. Sea vegetables such as nori and kelp, and blackstrap molasses are other important sources of this acid.

We used to receive Fulvic acid from organic food, but due to corporatized agriculture our land and the food it produces are sadly lacking in trace minerals, vitamins, and Fulvic acid. You can boost the levels of Fulvic acid in your vegetable garden by composing organic food scraps, grass trimmings and wood cuttings. Build the compost heap vertically rather than horizontally to ensure more air circulates throughout the bio mass.


You can also receive smaller amounts of Fulvic acid through the skin, by swimming in the ocean, gardening and using bentonite clay in a bath or mask.


One well known source of Fulvic acid is Shilajit, a thick brown to black colored sappy substances that oozes from mountain sides and organic matter is compressed and decomposed. Animals lick this substance when they are sick, and it has been used in traditional medicine for 1000s of years, especially in Ayurveda. I have however heard warnings that some sources are high in traces of toxic metals so I would err on the side of caution if your body is already high in heavy metals.



If you would like to support my work I’d be grateful if you use the links below.

  • HEALTHWEST Fulvic Acid 500ml

“Fulvic Acid makes nutrients more soluble in the body, making them more available to cells. It is a potent antioxidant that reverses the effects of excess free radicals in the body generated by food and environmental pollutants. It’s also a great electrolyte for maintaining natural equilibrium.

And it helps supply nutrients, minerals, and most crucially energy into living cells. Once within the living cell, Fulvic helps ensuring that the cells acquire the minerals and nutrients they need.” – AW

Purchase Fulvic Acid here:

  • Paradise Herbs, Shilajit, 60 Vegetarian Capsules
  • Premium Quality For Over 25 Years
  • Active Whole Spectrum Extract
  • Made with Non-GMO Ingredients
  • GMP Quality Assured & FDA Registered
  • Enhancing Nature’s Miracles Since 1994

Purchase Fulvic Acid here:


[35] Staff, September 2021, Chinese Researchers Discover Holy Grail of Graphene Oxide Detox?, Primal Brain Hacks, Brighteon,


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