Bentonite Clay, Calcium bentonite, Montmorillonite clay, Pascalite clay


Anti-microbial, Binder, Detoxifier, (internal & environmental toxins), High in minerals, Removes fluoride (when combined with magnesium)


Air pollutants, Anemia, Diarrhoea, Digestion, Food Poisoning, Hair, Heartburn, Immunity, IBS, Kidneys, Liver, Skin


Adsorber and binder of heavy metals and industrial toxins


Various forms of clay are used around the world for skin issues, nutrition, therapy, religion and digestive health. Reports have come from thousands of years from Mesopotamia and Ancient Greece to Armenia and New Mexico, of various forms of clay used for their healing properties. [11] Bentonite and Montmorillonite are the main clays used currently, named after the towns in which they are found; Benton in Montana and Montmorillon in France.


Due to its electrical charge when mixed with water, [7][8] Bentonite is an excellent adsorbent for heavy metals, molds [13] and fungus, while Montmorillonite clay is reported as having the highest negative charge of the clays. Adding Bentonite to feed has been shown to reduce cyanide in rats [13], remove fungal related Aflatoxins in rats, pigs and rabbits, and improve the associated symptoms of cancer and infertility.

It is also effective in binding to pesticide and herbicide toxins. [10] This also works in water, and it is effective for reducing fluoride in drinking water, especially when combined with magnesium. [9]

It is magnetically attracted to substances such as heavy metals, and can bind many times its weight in toxins so they can be carried out of the body. [7] It has been shown to remove lead, [10][13] cadmium, and copper in animal testing. [10] It does this without depleting nutritional concentrations, and actually balances the gut microbiome making it safe for human detoxification. [9]

Children in a Ghanaian study who took montmorillonite clay for a fortnight showed a reduction of Aflatoxins in their urine, without significantly affecting nutrition levels, also suggesting its efficacy for toxin removal. [12][13]


INTERNAL USE: Sprinkle into a glass of water, starting at ¼ tsp and working up to 1tsp. Sometimes it can turn gluggy depending on the clay you get, in which case let it soak for an hour so you can stir it in properly. It can also clog up the gut a bit, so ensure drinking plenty of water. I like to mix it with psyllium husks to prevent constipation.

As well as toxins it can also bind to nutrients, so take 1 hour away from food, 2 hours away from supplements and medication.


Young healthy looking woman with clay mask on her face

Clay is often used on the skin as a healing detoxification mask – it mixes easily with water to make a paste which you can apply to the skin, wait 10-20 minutes for it to dry, then wash off.

1/2 – 2 cups of Bentonite Clay can also be added to your detox bath. Considering many heavy toxic metals are stored just under your skin, this is a good one to add to your routine!


Bentonite Clay CAN have aluminum and other metals in it, depending on the source. Don’t take large amounts of clay over a long period of time as these toxins will build up, especially if you are already sensitive to alluminium.

Some clays from areas in African have been tested and found to contain significant amounts of toxic metals. There are many forms of clay and only some of them are suitable for ingestion. So be sure to buy from a reputable brand and only use ‘food grade’ or ‘pharmaceutical grade’ for internal use.

If you are overly toxic you might be sensitive to internal clay use, as I am. If this is the case, use a different binder, such as Charcoal or Zeolite, or use a smaller amount in a combination such as the Mud Mix in the Recipes – Binders section.

As with other binders make sure you drink PLENTY of water. Clay can lead to constipation. It can also bind to some nutrients so it is best to take away from food and supplements by at least an hour.


I buy mine from the local wholefood or health shop. Here are some other options I found.


If you would like to purchase Bentonite Clay and support my work at the same time, I’d be grateful if you use the links below.

Yerba Prima, Great Plains, Bentonite, Detox, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

“Bentonite for Alimentary Detoxification – Works like a magnet to grab and bind unwanted substances by adsorbent action. The total surface area to grab unwanted substances in one tablespoon serving is over 8,100 square feet, more than the floor surface area of four average size 2,000 square foot homes.”

Price: $10.32 USD

Purchase Here: www.iherb


[7] Burg E, 5 August 2017, Interesting Benefits of Bentonite Clay, Dr. Eric Burg DC @ Youtube:


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Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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