Glass of citrus juice with slices of lemon, a good source of Vitamin C




Anti-carcinogenic, Anti-histamine, Anti-oxidant, Detoxifier, Prevents toxin absorption, Spike Protein Neutralizer, Neutralizes nitrates


Blood health, Circulation, Connective tissue, Glutathione levels, Heart health, Heavy Metal poisoning, Immunity, Toxicity, Vaccine issues


Helps prevent blood clots. Boosts Glutathione which reduces Graphene Oxide. Helps the body neutralize and remove toxins and heavy metals


Berries including blueberries and blackberries which are very high in Vitamin C

Various forms of Ascorbate, commonly known as Vitamin C, are one of the most widely used supplements today, and for good reason. It is absolutely essential for good health, to boost our immune system, aid in detoxification, aid connective tissue generation, and myriad other processes in the body.

Vitamin C is recommended by some doctors to be the first line of defense against any sort of poisoning and toxicity, including dealing with symptoms from the Covid shot.

Being a powerful anti-oxidant, it assists in bio-molecular repair following oxidization from toxins, and can even block them from oxidizing bio-molecules in the first place, making it a prime antidote for all toxins.


According to Dr. Levy, 2002, no toxin so far has been tested that has not been neutralized by Vitamin C. [153] Dr. Jaffe claims that Ascorbate raises Glutathione levels in the body even more than N-Acetylcysteine – and it is a cheaper option as an additional bonus. [150] Considering the effect Glutathione has on Graphene Oxide and other toxic inoculation ingredients this is well worth considering.

Medical vial being filled with blood from a needle

Blood disorders are commonly arising in people who have had the Covid shot, leading to it becoming known as the ‘clot shot’. Vitamin C helps to clean the blood, reduce clotting and slow down blood disorders and coagulation. [149] According to Dr. Levy recipients who have had Rouleaux formations appear in their blood (signalling inflammation and possible clotting), found in the blood of some individuals following Covid inoculation, have had repeated success using Vitamin C infusion following an ozonated saline infusion. [154]


According to Dr. Richard Jaffe, Ascorbate is more effective at reducing oxidative toxins and taking them out of the body than any other substance. This includes metals such as Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel, Beryllium, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium and Zinc.

But please note those last four metals! Using Ascorbate on its own is too acidic and can leach these out of the body. You want to take Ascorbate that is buffered with Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium or Zinc, either taken as a supplement with the Ascorbate, or through the diet.

Apparently 1 gram of Ascorbate will on average remove 20.7 mcg lead or mercury from the body, which neutralizes the average amount of those toxins entering the body in today’s environment. So to mobilize and excrete extra toxins that have built up in the body, ensure you are taking well over this amount.

In animal studies Ascorbate has been shown to remove lead from the central nervous system, and decrease blood levels, [153] and a 2013 study on rats found that treatment with a high dose Vitamin C accelerated the excretion of lead in both urine and feces. [155]


Ascorbic acid on its own is too acidic for the body and will leech minerals from bones, teeth and other tissues to neutralize it, which is why it’s important to buffer it. [156]

Container of Vitamin C powder by Provita

I take Ascorbic Acid (2 parts) buffered with Sodium Bicarbonate (1 part) to make Sodium Ascorbate. You can buy it in this form but it is more potent if you mix it yourself, dissolve in water and drink immediately, as it loses its potency within about 20 minutes.

As Vitamin C has only a small window of absorption when taken orally, take several doses over the day rather than all at once. If you take too much in one hit, it will cause loose bowels.

The method and amount varies greatly from doctor to doctor so here are a few recommendations.


Amandha Vollmer suggests starting slowly at 1 gram per dose with a buffered Vitamin C and working UP TO 5 grams twice a day. [149]


For those that must take the Covid shot or any other inoculation, Dr. Levy suggests dosing orally with Vitamin C for 3-5 days before the shot, and continuing for 3-5 days afterwards. [152]

IV drip in a hospital

He recommends 25 to 75 grams of IV Vitamin C following the inoculation to take care of abnormal blood, and several more IV treatments over the following days is possible.

If IV is not available, 5 grams of liposome encapsulated Vitamin C to be taken orally is recommended daily for at least a week.

If Liposomal Vitamin C is not available, Sodium ascorbate or Ascorbic Acid (buffered) can be taken at 75% bowel tolerance. [154] (see details below from Dr. Jaffe on how to determine tolerance.)

If using IV Vit C to flush toxins Dr. Levy recommended to add Magnesium Chloride to an infusion to reduce the arrhythmia that can occur when the liver is overstressed from toxic mobilisation and excretion. Please see the guide by Dr. Levy to work with your health professional for IV and other intensive Vitamin C treatments. Guide-to-Optimal-Admin-of-IVC


For heavy metal detoxification, Dr. Jaffe recommends a daily amount of 75% of the total Ascorbate required to create a ‘flush’, which he calls the point at which you ‘calibrate’, or the ‘tolerance’ level. This can be anywhere from 4 gm. to 130 gm. depending on the health of the person.


Do this on an empty stomach. To find out your tolerance level take a measure of buffered Ascorbate every 15 minutes until the stool starts to become loose. The recommended measure to take each time is:

  • Healthy people – 1/2 tsp.
  • Moderately healthy people – 1 tsp.
  • People suffering from illness / had the shot – 2 tsp.
Vitamin C capsules with a lemon in the background
Image by ivabalk from Pixabay

Keep a record of how much you take. Once your bowels start to become loose, stop taking it.  If there is no bowel response after 4 doses double the measure and keep going until the bowels loosen.

Please note some people with high toxicity levels will have no response til almost an entire day of dosing every 15 minutes. The total amount of Ascorbate required to make your bowels loosen is your bowel tolerance level.


In the following days and weeks take 75% of your tolerance level daily. If less than 10 grams is required daily divide the amount into 2 or 3 doses. If more than 10 grams is required daily dissolve the whole amount in water and sip throughout the day to avoid digestive issues.

You will find as your body detoxifies the amount of Ascorbate required will reduce. You can repeat the initial process every week or two, to re-determine your tolerance level.

This process can cause bloating, gas and discomfort in the gut. If this is the case take glutamine, pre and pro biotics, and ensure the body is alkalized (6.5 – 7.5 is healthy ph range), for safe and effective results. [150]


Dr. Jaffe also recommends Magnesium, Zinc and alkalization via nutrition to displace metals in the body, and Sulfur and Selenomethionine to help remove heavy metals, as part of your detoxification protocol. An interesting side note of Selenomethionine is that Tuna fish contain such high levels of mercury these days they shouldn’t be able to navigate. But studies have found high levels of Selenomethionine in them which neutralizes the mercury so it is not toxic. Nature is amazing. [150]


  • Use away from Chlorella if possible.
  • May interact with anticoagulant drugs.


Ascorbate is widely available in foods, though due to the decline in nutrition available in our soil and therefor food currently, it is often necessary to supplement in addition to the dietary sources.


Food sources include citrus fruit, apple, berries, kiwi, melons, leafy greens, brassicas, capsicum, tomato, potato and hibiscus.

Hibiscus or Karkadeh tea leaves, a great source of Vitamin C

You can buy various forms of Vitamin C in tablets, capsules, liquid and powder. I use the powder from Pure Bulk.


If you would like to purchase Vitamin C while supporting my work at no extra cost, I’d be grateful if you use the links below.

Sunbear High Potency 1000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C 200ml
Bottle of Sunbear brand Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C is packaged like a bodily cell so it passes through the digestive barrier and delivers the nutrient directly to the bloodstream. This has a much higher absorption rate with over 90% of the cells being bathed in vitamin C. This is even vastly superior to IV vitamin C which is an expensive but effective procedure that is done quite often in hospitals and alternative health clinics.

Excipients: Distilled Water, Lecithin (sunflower), Potassium Bicarbonate, , Citric Acid, Vegetable Glycerine, Organic Lemon, Herbal Active Preservative (100% Natural)

Purchase Lipo Vitamin C here:

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Powder

Vitamin C supports many elements of the immune system. Ascorbic acid helps promote the production of infection-fighting white blood cells, and it may enhance the function of these white blood cells by protecting them from free radicals.

PureBulk’s Ascorbic acid powder contains the bioactive form L-ascorbic acid. Most products labeled as ascorbic acid contain the L- form, as the D- form and the racemic DL- form aren’t as commercially available.

Purchase Ascorbic Acid powder here:


[148] Dreads J, 9 March 2018, Cheap and Easy Vitamin C Powder Recipe, Live Love Life @ Youtube:,

[149] Vollmer A D, 28 October 2021, Detoxing from “The Thing” by ADV, Yummy Doctor website:

[150] Jaffe R, 19 September 2011, Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid ) for Heavy Metal Detox by Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology @ Youtube:

Cheap and Easy Vitamin C Powder Recipe
Vitamin C for Heavy Metal Detox by Russell Jaffe


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Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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