“I have always believed that the primary function of doctors should be to teach people how not to get sick in the first place. The word “doctor” comes from the Latin word for “teacher.” -American celebrity physician Andrew Weil
Detoxifying the body from environmental, food based, water based, and medical toxins can be a complicated and sometimes uncomfortable process. Especially if you have long term toxicity issues, allergies, auto-immune disorders, and issues with digestion, liver and kidneys.
Toxins can build up over time and hide out in the colon, other body tissues, and in the fat including the brain. When toxins are ‘mobilized’ or released from their hiding places, they enter the bloodstream. They then eventually get filtered out via the liver for excretion, sweated out through the skin, or expelled via the breath.
These natural processes of elimination can get overworked dealing with day to day bombardment of contaminants from food and the environment. The body will then have a tough time dealing with the extra poisons released from detoxification. So it is a good idea to be aware of the different ways your body cleans itself, and support those systems before starting a detoxification protocol – if you can!
This section takes a brief look at each organ involved in the cleansing process, what it does, and how we can support it. Like all sections on this website it is a work in progress, so stay tuned for more enlightening additions!