“It’s not just what substances you put on your skin. Inappropriate inflammation is rooted in diet, how you handle stress, how you rest, and your exposure to environmental toxins.” – Andrew Weil.


It is often said the liver is the largest organ in the body, but actually at approximately 7% of our body weight, the skin is the largest organ. [52] As well as housing all our vital bits and pieces, defending the body against external factors, moderating body temperature, and sensing the environment, the skin plays an important role in detoxification.[49]

When toxins are mobilized into the body, if the other paths of elimination are not functioning properly or are overworked, there is no escape route for those toxins, so adding sweat based therapy to your protocol will help reduce the overall load on those elimination pathways. The skin is highly permeable, protected from dehydration and foreign substances by a layer of keratin. Body temperature, applied heat and physical activity all affect the skins permeability, which can allow substances out such as toxins in perspiration, and allow substances in such as herbal poultices. [52]

In Chinese medicine the skin is sometimes referred to as the third kidney, and detoxification through the skin is also known to be helpful for kidney disorders. [51] The main way is through sweating, which you would well be aware of, so allowing that process to happen unhindered is very beneficial to detoxification.

Close up of mans face perspiring

Studies on the uremic waste content of sweat have found that the more often you induce sweating to detoxify, the more waste is eliminated each time via the skin as the body learns to increase this pathway. [51]

Dr. Ziem at the Johns Hopkins Center for Environmental Medicine treated a patient with extremely toxic levels of cadmium, aluminum, silver and mercury. Aside from some supplements, the main part of the protocol was steam sauna therapy, and the patient underwent a full cure. [52]

Dr. Klinghardt recommends Infra-Red Saunas as they induce a sweat of 15-20% toxic heavy metals, fat soluble toxins, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia and uric acid. Dr Robert Young’s research found that Infra-Red Saunas speed up metabolism, increase leukocytes in the blood, neutralizes fungi, yeasts and molds, exercise the heart, and stimulate blood vessels. [52]




A hot soak will help open up the pores, boost circulation and help sweat out toxins, with the addition of salt or Epsom salt adding to that drawing power. Add some Himalayan or Celtic salt, some Magnesium flakes, a tbsp. Borax, Sodium Bicarb and a few drops of Essential Oils. If you are depleted limit to 20 minutes or it can tire your body. I like to have a cold rinse afterwards to close the pores and wake the body up again. See the listing for this under Flush First for further details.


Bentonite and other clays can be applied to the skin as a body masque to draw out toxins. [52] See the listing under Supplements for further details.

Natural fibre shirts and socks drying in the sun on a washing line

Synthetic fabrics don’t breathe, and the toxic substances they are made from can end up being absorbed by your skin. Aim for natural fabrics if you can, such as cotton, hemp, bamboo, linen or wool, and if you can find organic clothing that’s even better! Make sure whatever you buy that you wash it well before use, and air dry in the sun to reduce chemical residue.


Wherever possible aim for natural skin cleaners, toners and moisturizers, or even make your own! Almost anything you put on your skin ends up in your skin to some extent, so keep it clean.


We have clusters of lymph nodes in the arm pits that detox via perspiration under the arms. Using aluminum based antiperspirants not only blocks off this important detoxifying function, but adds to our skin based intake of toxic metals. Opt for a natural deodorant such as a salt based one that simply inhibits bacterial growth, or essential oils. You can also rub lemon juice under your arms which clears the sweat ducts and kills bacteria.


Keep a soft bristle body brush handy to dry brush before your shower or bath. This will remove dead skin and flush the lymph throughout your body. See the listing for this under Flush First for further details.


Detoxifying patches are used to draw toxins out through the soles of the feet, and the amount of toxins drawn out is self-evident on the patches themselves. [52]


Any sauna is good for detoxifying the skin, but infra-red is especially so. After 40 minutes it liquefies heavy metals under the skin so they can be sweated out. They also leave you feeling great. What’s not to love? See the listing for this under Flush First for further details.


See the Vodka Skin Scrub in the recipes section. This will cleanse dead skin, parasites, heavy metals and bacteria from your skin.

Young man leaping happily in the air in a forest

Power walking, running, swimming, dancing, hiking and aerobics are all great ways to get you perspiring. Anything that induces sweating will aid your skins flushing mechanism, with substances like arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and BPA showing in studies on sweat. Make sure you shower right after your work out, to prevent toxins being reabsorbed into the body. [50]


Your skin is the final outlet for your body to release toxins. If you are having issues with your skin, it is a clear sign your other elimination pathways are congested. Nutritional recommendations for the skin are generally the same cleaners for your liver and kidneys. You will have already read about those by now so I won’t repeat those details. But needless to say, the cleaner, healthier and more vibrant the food you eat, the more those qualities will appear on your skin.


[49] Bryce E, 13 March 2018, The science of skin – Emma Bryce, TED-Ed:



Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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