Woman writing in a journal



So now you have a list of suggested practices, nutrients and foods, what next?

First, if you are already under the guidance of a health professional, or intending to be, to aid your body in detoxification, you can take a protocol from this book or elsewhere that feels right for you and discuss it with them.

If you have access to heavy metal testing, such as hair analysis, this would be beneficial to have a laboratory backed record of your starting point and progress. I do believe this gives you the levels of your various toxins and nutritional status from 3 months previous due to hair growth cycles, so this is a long term rather than short term diagnostic tool.

Traditional hot cupping practitioner treating a patient
Image by Robert Pastryk from Pixabay

If you are steering your own ship, I find it easiest to decide what I want to tend to first, such as a liver cleanse or a heavy metal detox. I then map out a plan for a month, or the duration of a particular cleanse, especially if adding several new supplements and practices to a regime. This can then be printed out and ticked off each day to help keep track of progress.


My own protocol for instance during a 13 day MMS cleanse might look like this.

(Click image to open and right-click to save-as jpeg)

Example of planner with days across the top and times with various vitamins and treatments down the left hand side

If you are living with others, or at least have the opportunity to share meals with others, why not enjoy getting creative with cooking together using your medicinal foods?

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash


You may also find it helpful to track your own progress by mapping your symptoms, energy levels, pain, digestion, skin, libido, hair, hormonal cycles for women, concentration, mood, and anything else that might paint a picture of your development. You could mark each one out of ten for a snap shot overview of your health.

It might look something like this, or you can find a structure that works for you.

(Click image to open and right-click to save-as jpeg)

Example of a progress map with days of the week across the top and various aspects of wellbeing such as mood and energy down the left hand side, so you can rate your daily progress


Healthy couple in their vegetable garden, with a sign that says 'Love food, Live body.'

As you will have found by now, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to tending to your wellbeing, as each of us is so individual. I do hope however that the information you have accessed here gives you some extra tools and insights to be able to create or co-create your own health care plan.

You will probably find that tending to your body in this way will also heighten your ability to communicate with yourself, so that medicine becomes a natural and instinctive part of feeding yourself and your loved ones. This will be greatly enhanced with the addition of meditation and mindfulness practices to your daily routine, so I encourage you to explore those also – there are many great videos on this online.

I will be sharing further resources, recipes, planners and more in the future, so please get in touch via the details on the contact page to receive updates on those offerings.

And if you have your own stories to share about your health journey I would love to hear of your progress.


To connect via social media please join the channels on the contact page and say hi!

For further reading, websites, suppliers and more you can explore the resources section below.

Tjoni on a balcony looking out into the desert

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Thank you for reading and sharing this exploration of nutritional medicine with me, and much love to you and your dear ones.

Til next time my friends, be well and keep dreaming the good dream. Ciao for now.

Tjoni J xx