Jar of coconut oil with open fresh coconut next to it



Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Detoxifier


Asthma, Bronchitis, Diabetes, Digestion, Headaches, Immune system, Oral Health, Thrombosis, Tooth decay


General Detoxification


Did you know toothbrushes weren’t part of our daily life till the late 1930s? Yet most of the teeth found in archeological sites had healthy teeth. This may be partly attributed to a more natural and healthy diet, and some may be attributed to practices such as oil pulling. [30]

Cat meowing showing all its pearly white teeth
Image by Birgit from Pixabay

This is an ancient Ayurvedic practise known as Gandusha or Kavala Graha. Oil pulling is the process of swishing oil around your mouth such as coconut, olive and sesame oil. This helps to remove or ‘pull’ bacteria and toxins from the mouth, which is then spat out and discarded, leaving behind a clean environment.

Dental hygiene affects much more than our pearly (hopefully) whites. “When you treat your mouth, you’re also treating the whole body.” If there are cavities or other breaches of natural barriers in the mouth, pathogens can enter directly into circulation of the body.

In addition, whatever is in our mouth, including the microbiome (of around 700 bacterial species!), ends up in our gut. So it makes sense to keep our oral environment as healthy as possible. [31]

Oil pulling has a long medical history backed up by modern science for aiding oral health, such as significantly affecting the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It is considered effective for headaches, migraine, asthma and diabetes. In Ayurveda it is used for headaches, migraines, thrombosis, eczema, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis and detoxification. [31]

Studies are still quite limited in number unfortunately, but they do exist. A study on the effect of Oil Pulling on Streptococcus in the plaque and saliva of children for example, showed that after two weeks there was a significant reduction in levels, thus it is considered a proven means of improving oral health. [33]


Jar of coconut oil surrounded by flowers
Image by Monika from Pixabay

Do oil pulling first thing in the morning, before any food or drinks or tooth brushing occur.

  • Put about 1 tablespoon in your mouth and swish it around and between your teeth for 10-20 minutes.
  • Spit it out in the bin or compost (not in your sink or it will set and block it!). Do NOT swallow!!!
  • Brush your teeth.

That’s it! Simple to do, while reading, having a shower, going for a gentle stroll, or just meditating!

Gargling as well as swishing is advised to cleanse all areas of the tongue which then relate to various areas of the body including lungs, liver and kidneys. Using coconut oil has the added benefit of improving digestion, balancing blood sugar and hormones, [30] as well as being anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic. [34]


You can also add 3 drops of essential oil to your pulling oil. Some recommendations are orange, lemon or peppermint for a general cleanse, or clove, cinnamon or tea tree during illness. [30]


  • Do NOT swallow the oil or you are re-absorbing all those toxins back into your body.
  • Not recommended for those under 5 as they may accidentally swallow the oil. [32]


I use the organic coconut oil from my local supermarket or wholefoods shop.


If you would like to purchase Coconut Oil while supporting my work at no extra cost, I’d be grateful if you use the links below.

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil z (3-Pack)

Health Ranger Select Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a pure coconut oil that is laboratory verified for cleanliness and purity. It is a great source of healthy medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which support healthy energy levels and optimal health. 


[34] Mosey J, 17 June 2016, Oil Pulling from a Dentist’s Perspective. Virginia Family Dentist: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaVy_JLvLyE





Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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