CGI image of two transparent bodies so you can see straight through to the organs, with a clear view of the liver


“The liver signifieth the element of water, and it is also the water; for from the liver cometh the blood in the whole body into all the members. The liver is the mother of the blood.” – Quote Jakob Bohme


Graphic diagram of the liver and where it sits in the body

The liver has many important functions including processing blood from the heart, and blood, fatty acids and nutrients from the digestive system. [25] The blood circulates throughout our bodies every 3 minutes, and our liver filters toxins out of that blood to be excreted. It also creates various hormones, stores iron, and generates bile which helps to break down fats during digestion.

With the continuing increase in environmental, medicinal and food based toxins our bodies are hammered with, the load on our liver also increases. If your liver is stressed, you may notice itchiness, jaundice, lethargy, achy joints, nausea, cognition issues and gallstones. [26]

Tending to it and cleansing before embarking on a heavy metal detoxification will aid its ability to keep up with the newly liberated toxins. Even if you are not doing a deep metal cleanse or experiencing health issues, your liver will thank you for a cleansing maintenance schedule.




A weekly 20 minute castor oil pack over the liver will help to relieve liver congestion.[27] Please see ‘Flush First – Other Tools’ for instructions.


Removing amalgams from your teeth will reduce the toxic load on all your detoxification pathways including the liver. Ensure you seek a biological dentist to do the work safely. Please see ‘Detoxification Pathways – Dental Health’ for further details.


Gently flushing out the colon can be very healing for the liver, especially if you do a coffee enema hold and lay on your right side. Please see ‘Flush First – Enemas’ for instructions.

Infra red sauna

The area just under the skin is a store house for heavy metals. Infra-red sauna for 40 minutes or more liquefies the heavy metals and allows them to be excreted in the sweat. Make sure you shower afterwards to wash off the toxic residue.


Lack of quality sleep is shown to be damaging to the Liver, so make sure you get enough zzzs! [29]


Please see Flush First – Yoga for some fantastic detoxification sequences which will greatly aid your liver along with the rest of your elimination pathways.


Citrus fruits and pomegranates
  • LEMON – Drink a glass of water with lemon juice first thing in the morning to stimulate enzyme production which cleanses the liver.[27]
  • WATER – Ensure you remain well hydrated throughout the day. Around 2 liters per day seems to be the average recommendation, but listen to your body and water it accordingly.
FOOD [26][28][29]

Most dis-eases of the liver are due to oxidative stress, so it makes sense that anti-oxidant rich nutrients are useful allies for liver health.

  • Avocado – lowers cholesterol, glutathione, anti-inflammatory
  • Banana – relieve cirrhosis
  • Beetroot – chloretic, detoxifier, releases bile salts, Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory
  • Broccoli – anti-viral, anti-carcinogenic, high in sulfur, detoxifier, anti-inflammatory
  • Cabbage – sulfur, counters alcohol, detoxifier, anti-inflammatory
  • Carrots – anti-oxidant
  • Cherry – anti-oxidant
  • Collards – sulfur, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory,[5] detoxifier, anti-inflammatory
  • Curcumin – anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, heavy metal detoxifier, regenerative, fatty liver
  • Daikon Radish – sulfur
  • Dong Quai – anti-oxidant
  • Eggs – high in sulfur
  • Extra virgin olive oil – fatty liver, reduces insulin, anti-inflammatory
  • Figs – fatty liver
  • Flax seeds (high in Vitamin E)
  • Garlic – high sulfur natural anti-biotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, support liver detoxification
  • Kale – lowers cholesterol and fat, high in sulfur, detoxifier, anti-inflammatory
  • Milk Thistle – support liver detoxification
  • Mushrooms – (esp. turkey tail and oyster) glutathione,  Hepatoprotective
  • Mustard greens – sulfur, detoxifier, anti-inflammatory
  • Onions – high sulfur
  • Papaya – anti-oxidant
  • Pomegranate – anti-carcinogenic
  • Sweet potato – reduce liver injury
  • Watermelon – anti-toxic, hypoglycemic
Close up image of saw palmetto leaf lit from behind by sunshine
Image: Forest and Kim Starr, CC_BY_2.0

Phytoestrogen rich foods which are protective against Hepatitis are oily seeds and nuts and legumes, and alfalfa, chaste tree berry, licorice, mint, red clover, saw palmetto, wild yam, fenugreek, gingko, ginseng, fennel, anise. Please note that excessive phytoestrogens can actually harm the liver so don’t go overboard and talk to your health advisor if you have liver issues.[29]

Many foods are used for their Hepatoprotective properties, but studies are still required for confirmation. These include Amaranth, Buckwheat, Celery, Chestnut, Kelp, Kiwi fruit, Onion, Mango, Olive, Papaya, Bamboo shoots and Tangerine, Dandelion, Hawthorn, Lotus Root, Purslane, Shepherd Purse, Sow Thistle and Wormwood.[29]

  • Glutathione – master anti-oxidant, neutralizes hepatotoxins
  • Lipoic Acid – anti-oxidant, support liver detoxification
  • Magnesium citrate – ensure regular bowel movements
  • Melatonin – nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  • N-Acetylcysteine – anti-oxidant, support liver detoxification
  • Quercetin – anti-oxidant
  • Selenium -heavy metal detoxification
  • Vitamin B6 – enhance liver detoxification
  • Vitamin B12 – enhance liver detoxification
  • Vitamin C – for hepatitis and cirrhosis)
  • Vitamin E –  Hepatitis B and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • Zinc – heavy metal detoxification
  • FOODSNight shades have shown to be toxic to the liver, and they are also known to be highly inflammatory. Nightshades include tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes, chilli and tobacco. Also common food allergens such as dairy, gluten, eggs and corn should be avoided for a detoxification program.
  • CONSUMPTION – Medications (check with your health professional first), high sugar, alcohol and junk food can create liver issues so reduce where possible.
  • ENVIRONMENT – Be aware of environmental toxic residues on food plants such as pesticides, insecticides and traffic fumes. For wild food, forage away from high traffic areas, which may be affected by fumes or have been sprayed.[5] Soak wild foraged foods and store bought plant foods in water with a little apple cider vinegar for 30 minutes then rinse before use to minimize toxic residue.
  • MOLDS – Decaying foods are high in molds, even if you can’t see them, which are also damaging to the liver. So keep your food fresh!



Suggestions for affirmations you may like to use with kinesiology, meditation, prayer, visualisation, or your favorite tools for personal wellbeing:

  • My liver is healthy, vibrant and balanced.
  • By liver is functioning at optimum efficiency.
  • I naturally make healthy dietary and lifestyle choices to support my liver.
  • My body is detoxifying itself with ease and grace.
  • My detoxification pathways are working in harmony and balance.

In Chinese medicine the liver is known as the place where the body stores anger. If you are having liver issues, or would simply like to improve its wellness, it may be helpful to look at and address any unresolved traumas or issues around anger.

Angry looking man slamming his fists into the ground with white powder splashing up from the ground
Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

Anger is a natural response to the needs of an individual – or their loved ones or community – not being met – or actively destroyed. We need a healthy amount of anger in our emotional pallet as a catalyst to defend ourselves and those around us. But unexpressed, deeply repressed anger festers away in our bodies and can cause unhealthy situations, physically, emotionally and socially, if left to brew.

It is helpful to remember that anger is simply an energy, and if you have too much of it in your body there are tools to help disperse it. That doesn’t mean you suddenly stop caring and become complacent, but it does mean that you can choose to tune into your anger and take action rationally, without being triggered into overly emotional responses to events.


Some ways to get anger out are morning pages, breath work, expressing it through art, running, going to the gym, driving to a remote area and having a good scream, putting your bare feet on the earth to disperse the energy. There are many ways you can find online, and I will add resources to the website here as I find them.

Woman in white sitting cross legged doing yoga

There are also some fantastic kundalini yoga practices for dealing with anger which make a profound difference in just a few days. The set below says fear and sadness, but it starts with anger. It is a bit weird (most kundalini yoga is a bit weird) but after a few days I can almost guarantee you will feel a difference in your body. ‘Practice: Mediate to Remove Fear and Sadness’:

I used to do this as part of a longer yoga set. It is a simple exercise you can do anytime to help reduce the anger load in your body. ‘Meditation to Relieve Anger with Harmanjot’:


Suggested statements for your prayers, meditation, kinesiology or other inner work.

  • I have safe and appropriate ways to express my anger.
  • I know how to connect in my anger in safe and appropriate ways.
  • I use my anger as fuel to make positive change in the world.
  • I am in connection with my own needs.
  • I know how to tend to my own needs.
  • I am willing and able to take responsibility for my own emotions.
  • I know and understand that my external experience is a reflection of my inner self.


[25] Seheult R, 26 August 2019, Liver Explained! Function, Pathology, Diseases, & Cirrhosis, Med Cram – Medical Lectures Explained Clearly @ Youtube:

[26] Berg E, 2022, The BEST Foods to Clean Out Your Liver, Dr. Eric Berg DC @ Youtube:



Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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