Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-septic, Anti-viral, Oxygenator, Oxidizer


Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Immunity, Oral hygiene


Aids respiratory illness and increases oxygen


Remember the old 80s fad at school to Peroxide blonde your hair?… Which often turned green? No? I must be showing my age then. But just like many medicines, what we consider to be poisons, in appropriate doses are actually beneficial or even necessary for our health.

Hydrogen Peroxide is made in the human body as a bi product of oxygen metabolism. It is close in chemical nature to water (H2O), with one extra oxygen molecule (H2O2). Dr. Mercola said that HP is designed to be in the body, as it creates the oxidative stress that kills pathogens. [45]

Hydrogen Peroxide has been studied for its various prophylactic and therapeutic effects for well over a hundred years in relation to influenza and respiratory illness, and current studies are further exploring its anti-viral effects.

A 2020 paper on Hydrogen Peroxide for Covid encourages further study as current literature holds great promise for nebulization (they recommend 1.5%) and mouth rinsing (3%) as a therapy against viruses including Covid. [47] One 2021 trial on the use of HP nebulization for ‘Covid’ patients in Mexico resulted in 100% success in curing respiratory symptoms within 5 days @ 3 sessions per day. [43]

According to Dr Levy, Hydrogen Peroxide serves as a storage of oxygen in your body, which kill pathogens and leave behind only water and oxygen. It is unique in that it quickly destroys the biofilm that protects many pathogens, so it can then kill the pathogens underneath.  He says nebuliing or mouth rinsing with HP will cleanse out toxins from the mouth, preventing them from constantly being swallowed and entering the gut, giving the stomach a chance to heal. Thus it should be part of any treatment due to its positive impact on the microbiome.

Additionally Hydrogen Peroxide works in synergy with Vitamin C, as the C contributes to the production of more HP outside the cells. It has no known negative effects on other supplements or medication. [45]


There are various recommendations from clinical studies and from health practitioners including Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Carrie Madej.

To sum up, use a maximum of 3% solution of Hydrogen Peroxide.

Dr Levy has seen exceptional results using the nebulizer with a few ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution for any situation of the respiratory system, such as the first appearance of a cough or sniffle, right up to a full blown respiratory infection. He says the positive results are immediate, with noticeable difference within minutes and sometimes seconds.

His standard treatment for Covid is 3 X 30 minute sessions per day for 5 days, so 15 treatments all together. In the treatment of his friends and patients of his associates, some milder cases are fully healed in one session of only 15 minutes, with some more aggressive cases needing  the whole 5 days for full recovery, after which 100% of them appear to achieve full clinical cure.

While some doctors recommend a much lower dose as part of a regime, Levy prescribes this higher dose as a monotherapy, especially for people who have limited access to extra forms of medicine. [44]

Woman nursing her baby and holding a ventillator to its face

For Covid and other respiratory illness Dr. Levy recommends 0.5 ml of 3% solution for 30 minutes, 3 X per day for 5 days during acute illness. [45]

A maintenance dose is 1-3% 1-2 times a week for 3-5 minutes.

Dr. Levy recommends a plug in nebulizer as opposed to the more portable battery operated ones which are not very effective.


Kerry Cassidy recommends 2-4 drops of 35% (approx. 35 drops of 5%) food grade HP in 1 liter of water and drink throughout the day, to remove nano graphene oxide. [46]

Water with Hydrogen Peroxide used for mouthwash

1.0 – 1.5% as a gargle

Amandha Vollmer has a huge post on many ways to use Hydrogen Peroxide internally, externally, around the home, garden and farm. Please see her product link in the SOURCES segment below. If you need MMS treatment but can’t access it, she also has a HP protocol to supplement it.

I haven’t used it yet personally, though when I can access some I’ll be starting at 1% and working up to 3%.


  • Please only use FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide for any remedial use. Do NOT use the stuff to bleach your hair from the chemist!
  • Stick to MAXIMUM 3% solution only, a higher solution can cause side effects such as swelling in the airways as they heal themselves, stinging in the nose and burning on the skin.
  • Some patients doing trials with internal Hydrogen Peroxide reported some nausea, vomiting and dizziness after use. This was most likely a herxheimer reaction due to the body cleaning itself out. It didn’t last long, and was reduced by further diluting the next dose. Slowly does it, always.



If you would like to purchase Hydrogen Peroxide while supporting my work at no extra cost, I’d be grateful if you use the links below.

Greensations, Sinus Plumber, Hydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Rinse Salt, 4 oz

Use daily and as needed to flush away allergens and to sanitize the nasal cavity neutralizing organisms and particles that replicate to cause colds and flu. Can be used alone or with your favorite nasal rinse recipes.

Other ingredients

Sea salt, dendritic salt, hydrogen peroxide food grade (3% solution).

Purchase Here:


[40] Mercola J., 2 April 2021, Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide- Interview with Dr. Thomas Levy, Dr. Mercola @ Youtube,,

[41] AMDG M, 2020, Nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide (YouTube Recovered), Think Outside the Box @ Brighteon:


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Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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