Anti-carcinogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Detoxifier, Anti-parasitic


Biofilm, Cancer, Cellular regeneration, Congestion in organs, Digestion, Heavy metals, Immunity, Liver, Mental clarity, Parasites, Toxins


Helps detoxify the body from parasites & toxins

Stimulates the liver to aid detoxification


Enemas are an ancient practice of flushing the colon with purified water, often with additives such as salt, apple cider vinegar, herbs, and more commonly nowadays coffee! They are used medically to clear out the colon before surgery or childbirth, or to ease constipation, and have many health benefits when used regularly.

Enemas help to remove waste and debris from the colon, which can otherwise build up and become mess halls for yeast, parasites and other toxins.  Many people report seeing various living or dead creatures in the toilet bowl after releasing the enema. It’s a bit gross yes, but better out than in!

Depending on the desired effect if an enema, certain additives such as organic coffee are recommended to be held in the colon for longer to allow nutrients to work deeper into the colon and liver. This leads to deeper detoxification, and as the liver is located in the upper right area of the large colon it gets a clean out too.

Many health practitioners discuss the importance of enemas often, such as Dr Amandha Vollmer who includes them in her detox protocol for the shot. [10] In the links below you will find instructions that she has shared from Dr Lawrence Wilson on how to do a coffee enema. [7]

Graphic illustration of internal organs in a human highlighting the intestines

I put this practice off for a long time due to the gross out factor basically, but actually I’ve found it pretty straight forward. Initially I thought it odd that our bodies would require this kind of cleaning – why wouldn’t it be designed to clean itself? Well, we’ve never been hammered by the current levels of poison in our known history, as far as I’m aware. Also, considering the detailed description of the benefits of enemas in ancient spiritual texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, I figure there must be something to it!

So, at the time of writing I’ve been doing enemas with saline or MMS solution for a few months and have noticed a big difference. I look like I’ve shed lots of weight but it is actually just reduced inflammation in my digestive tract.  After a couple of tries it became a quick and easy routine, and once the enema is ready the whole process is done within 15-30 minutes. (evacuation time included!!)


Most reports recommend 1-4 enemas daily to assist a major detox or acute digestive disorder. Maintenance is generally once or twice a week. There are many different ways to do enemas, so I will share my own experience and you can follow the links below for further ideas and information.

Vintage illustration of an enema kit
Image: Arallyn!, https://flickr.com/photos/biomedical_scraps/;
  1. Use filtered lukewarm water. I like to boil mine and let it cool. 250ml to 1000ml is the generally recommended amount.
  2. Assemble your enema kit as per instructions on the packaging.
  3. Prepare your enema water, with additional ingredients such as those listed below if desired.
  4. Pour enema solution into your enema bucket or enema bag, ensuring the hose clasp is locked closed.
  5. Hang the bucket or bag on the wall about 1 meter above where you will lie. (I hang it on a towel rail.)
  6. Lubricate the nozzle, I use olive oil or coconut oil
  7. Lie on the floor on a towel on your left side (different instructions apply for coffee enemas – see the Gerson link below)
  8. Gently insert the nozzle into the anus about 2 inches
  9. Open the clasp a bit at a time to allow the solution into the colon
  10. You might find you need to close the clasp periodically and allow  the solution to gently permeate the colon
  11. It is normal to feel the need to poop or fart – just close the clasp and wait for the feeling to pass before allowing more solution into the colon
  12. Once the bag or bucket is empty close the clasp, remove the nozzle and pull the knees gently to the chest
  13. Remain in this position for about 3 minutes, or til you must expel
  14. Move to the toilet to allow your bowels to evacuate, without forcing it. Give this some time.
  15. Once finished wash the enema kit, especially the nozzle, with warm water and soap.
  16. The enema can stay active in the bowel for an hour or two afterwards so stay close to the toot!
  17. It is recommended to drink electrolytes to rehydrate afterwards. Coconut water is great, or water with salt and lemon.

This is the main one I do so I’ll start here. I use MMS to kill off pathogens in the colon. Activate 3 drops of MMS, after 30 seconds add to 250 – 1000 ml luke warm water and immediately place in the enema bucket or bag. Make this up just before you plan to do the enema as the MMS loses its potency rapidly after activation. Hold this for 2-3 minutes. You can gradually increase up to 20 activated drops

MMS NOTE: MMS kits come with either Hydrochloric Acid or Citric Acid as the activator. Please use only Hydrochloric acid as the Citric Acid may cause a burning sensation.

MMS NOTE: Only use MMS with the plastic or rubber bag enema kit, NOT the stainless steel bucket.

Light shining through a deep blue body of water

I have also done this one a couple of times and it works just fine. It is recommended to use saline rather than pure water as it helps to hydrate the colon. But you must use rock salt or sea salt such as Himalayan Salt that has NO IODINE!!! I use 2 tsp. NON iodized sea salt to 2 cups (500ml) warm water. Dissolve the salt in a small amount of hot water and top up with the rest. You are ready to flush! Hold for 2-3 minutes.


Another forum site included lengthy discussions about people using urine in Enemas. Now I had considered this already after discussions by Dr. Amandha Vollmer on the high levels of excess nutrients, metabolites and proteins expelled in urine that can actually be reabsorbed via oral urine therapy. Also being a sterile liquid (unless there is a urinary infection which is pretty obvious) it seemed a good possible liquid to cleanse and nourish the colon.

However the first discussion I came across was from a guy using Urine Enemas to recycle illicit drugs and get super high by anally reabsorbing the expelled drugs. So there’s a thing that I didn’t know was a thing!… And again I don’t need to say this is NOT on my to do list.

But, long story short, I did see many positive reports from sober people using it for health rather than recreation. I tried it a couple of times by collecting 500ml urine in a jar and it worked just fine, similar to the saline solution, but due to ease I’ve tended to stick to the salt water for a basic cleanse.


Coffee enemas have dated back to Ancient Egyptian times. They are highly recommended by many practitioners, and are a principle therapy of the Gerson Institute. Its focus is to stimulate and detoxify the liver, and increase the flow of bile. [11]

This is on my radar but I cannot currently find organic coffee here in Egypt so this is one for the Enema ‘bucket list.’ There is a lot of information on coffee enemas so rather than parrot it here, please see this very detailed article by Dr Lawrence Wilson. [7]

NOTE: Do not do coffee enemas unless supervised by a health practitioner / Gerson Practitioner if you experience the following: ‘undergoing Chemotherapy, Renal, Cardiac or Respiratory failures, Bleeding or ulceration in the colon tract, Ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease, Ileostomy, Hypertension, Tachycardia, Pregnant, Diarrhea, or 6-8 weeks after surgery.’ [11]


When researching additives I was surprised to find many forums on using alcohol enemas as more alcohol is absorbed via the rectum than via the gut. This led to death in one case due to severe alcohol poisoning when a man used sherry in an enema due to not being able to drink orally for medical reasons. Needless to say this is definitely NOT on my list of recommendations.


Various practitioners and health enthusiasts have reported benefits from using herbs such a fennel, garlic, apple cider vinegar and other additions. I haven’t personally tried any of these so if you wish to try them please do sufficient research to ensure the ingredient is safe and organic.


  1. You may notice nausea, dizziness, weakness, so go gently, and make sure you are well hydrated before and after your enema as they can be dehydrating.
  2. Ensure the enema nozzle is sufficiently cleansed and lubricated, and insert gently to avoid damaging the delicate anal lining.
  3. Be very aware of what substances you add to your enema, if any. The lining of the colon can absorb whatever is in your enema solution, so ensure the water is filtered, and your enema kit is kept well cleaned.
  4. I cannot stress enough how dangerous it would be to use intoxicants of any kind in enemas such as alcohol and illicit drugs. Just don’t do it.
  5. Adding magnesium to your enema flush can cause overdose which can be very dangerous and even lethal. (I went to hospital after taking too much oral Magnesium – it was not fun!)
  6. DMSO should NOT be added as it will carry pathogens from the colon into the surrounding tissue.
  7. Coffee enemas are recommended here but go very gently as if it’s too strong it can cause irritation.
  8. Adding garlic to the brew can be beneficial but go slow!
  9. It would be wise to talk to your health practitioner first, especially if you have kidney or heart problems.


Many health food stores and online suppliers offer specific light roast coffee for enemas. Amandha et al suggest a dark roast is actually better. So I would go for an organic med to dark roast coffee, as fresh as possible, and even ground your own beans if you are able to do a fine ground.

I have found many at-home enema kits online, and have bought one of the hot-water bottle types for my own use. Some people have even reported using cleansed plastic bottles with a nozzle such as a sauce bottle. I’m not sure how effective this would be, as the type with a bucket or bag suspended a few feet above you is mostly recommended to allow gravity to gently move the liquid into the colon.

But if you’re unable to access one with a proper nozzle (here in Egypt there is NOTHING available unless I import from overseas) it might be worth experimenting with… just ensure they are sanitized. You don’t want to stick hot sauce up your… um…


Please use the links below if you would like to support my work.

NaturoFloPlus 4 Quart Enema Bag Kit + 10 Tips

“This enema kit is most useful for a variety of colon cleansing and detoxification programs. It is also the preferred choice for therapy programs such as Gersons therapy used in cancer treatment. The reason is that it is inert and food grade and will not react with most additives used in enemas such as coffee.”

Use referral code Tjo4116 to receive 5% off your order

GutFloPlus Stainless Enema Kit with Silicone Tubings

“The Superior home enema kit is surprisingly affordable & specifically designed with extra care to make enema a delightful experience… the kit is latex-free as increasingly recommended to guard against growing incidences of allergies; and accompanied by detailed Enema Instructions, the first ever of its kind. It makes the whole process unbelievably EASY!”

Use referral code Tjo4116 to receive 5% off your order





Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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