Nicotinic acid, Niacinamide


Anti-inflammatory, Heavy Metal and General Detoxifier, Vasodilator


Allergies, Arteriosclerosis, Cholesterol balance, Circulation, Digestion, Dyslipidemia, Blood pressure, Nervous system, Sex and Stress Hormones, Toxicity


Helps release toxins and heavy metals from the fat cells


Glass container of supplement tablets

Niacin, OR Vitamin B3, is a water soluble vitamin which is formed in the body from Tryptophan. It aids many physical functions such as it improves circulation, helps the body create fuel from our food, maintains the nervous system and lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides. [108][109]

Of special note here is a dose over 100mg helps the body to detoxify via ‘cutaneous vasodilation’ [107], commonly called a Niacin flush. This process also causes fat cells to explode, releasing fatty acids and toxic chemicals, which is what happens usually when a person loses excess weight, but the Niacin makes it happen faster. This then gives you the opportunity to clear the toxins out, via the skin through sweating, and by taking a binder such as charcoal so they are carried out through the GI tract. [110]

The capillaries also expand and blood rushes to the surface, creating a red ‘flushing’ of the skin. [108] If I use it for a flush often my entire body goes bright red and blotchy during the flush, but once it settles I feel very relaxed so often I do it before going to bed.

Some benefits of a Niacin flush include heavy metal detoxification [110] (see Dr. Yu’s protocol below), decrease cholesterol, reduce hardening of the arteries and weight loss. [108]


Packet of Pure Bulk brand Niacin powder

‘Immediate release’ Niacin is used to create the flush which we use for detoxification.

  • Any amount over 50-100mg can cause a flush depending on your sensitivity and up to 250-350mg is usually recommended.
  • Oddly I have seen up to 6,000mg per day suggested as the maximum dose on some websites but overdose requiring hospitalization has occurred @ only 5500mg in one case, so please be aware of varied information online.

I take 120-250 mg for a flush, and muscle test myself to see what dose is appropriate each day.

  • I would recommend no more than a TOTAL of 1000mg in a day, spread out over 3 doses (approx. 350mg ea.), unless you have medical advice.

When detoxing it is a good idea to use a binder about an hour after a flush, to help clean out the debris of whatever toxins have been released into the system. This process is known as ‘release and catch’, and is important to trap the toxins and remove them so they don’t get reabsorbed into the fatty tissue or into the brain.

It is strongly advised to talk to your professional health care about the best way to use a Niacin flush in your health regime, especially if you are dealing with long term toxicity and immunity issues.


Apparently this well tested protocol is similar to what was used for fire-fighters after 9 11 and people exposed to Agent Orange, as well as being used for drug addiction. [110]

Dr. Yu recommends starting at 250mg of Immediate Release Niacin, but I started at 100mg and worked up from there, as anything over 100mg will start to give you a flush. Sustained release Niacin will NOT give you a flush, so is helpful for increasing Niacin levels, but will not give you a detox flush.

Woman smiling while going for a run in the open countryside on a sunny day
  1. Take your daily dose
  2. Exercise immediately for 20 min to get your heart rate up, such as aerobics, jump rope, jogging, bike riding etc.
  3. Have a cool shower then heat the body up again. A 40 minute sauna in intervals is recommended, infra-red if possible, but a hot bath would suffice or even a hot shower. Use what you have.
  4. Use a binder. Charcoal is recommended, or bentonite clay, or you could try Gene Decodes’ mud mix in the recipes section. This step is IMPORTANT as if you don’t bind and remove the toxins they can be reabsorbed into the fatty tissue including the brain, where it can be hard to get out.
  5. Drink lots of purified water afterwards for a few hours. [111]


Please be aware that dosing and physiological effects vary depending on what type of Niacin you take. The information in this section refers to immediate release Niacin, or Nicotinic acid. Slow release Niacin dosage and use will differ.


Other effects can include itching and burning, and with a bit too much you can get diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, glucose intolerance, low blood pressure and changes in heart rhythm. This tends to ease within an hour, and you will be less reactive to it once you have been using it for a while, but starting low and gradually increasing the dose is recommended to negate discomfort. [108]


Reported adverse reactions from OVERDOSE include tachycardia, flushing, skin rash and vomiting. These symptoms have been reported from hospitalizations of people often using high amounts to get traces of recreational drugs out of their systems.  This high dosage in a short period of time is NOT recommended!


You should NOT use a Niacin flush in the case of kidney or liver disease, stomach ulcer, alcoholism, blood clotting issues, glaucoma, gout, low blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, pregnancy and within 2 weeks of surgery. [108]


For people with obesity, Dr. Yu cautions against using Niacin for a detox as fat cells store toxins. Niacin explodes those fat cells to release toxins. These amounts may be too much for the liver to deal with in people who are obese, so he recommends losing some weight first. [111]


Roasted eggplant drizzled with tahini and sprinkled with green leafy herbs

(for nutritional Niacin – not for a flush!)

  • Grass fed Beef, Beef liver, Free range Chicken, Lamb, Salmon, Sardines, Halibut, Swordfish, Tuna, Turkey, Veal, Milk.
  • Sunflower seeds, Tahini, Brewer’s yeast, Legumes, Nuts, Peanuts
  • Eyebright, Feverfew, Hops flowers, Green leafy vegetables, Red raspberry leaves. [109]

Powder or tablets – I prefer the powder so I can manage my dose each day.


If you would like to purchase Niacin while supporting my work at no extra cost, I’d be grateful if you use the links below.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) Immediate Release

Niacin, also called nicotinic acid or Vitamin B3, is a water-soluble member of the B complex family. It is one of the most stable B vitamins, as it is resistant to the effects of heat, light, air, acid, and alkali. Niacin is critical for synthesizing coenzymes that play a role in hundreds of bodily functions. However, its primary role is to obtain usable energy from food by supporting the enzymes responsible for cellular metabolism.

PureBulk’s Niacin is the immediate release form of this vitamin, not a timed or slow release.

Purchase Niacin here:


[111] Garma J. 13 February 2012, The Ultimate Heavy Metal Detox, Garma On Health:

[112] Saul A W, 21 May 2020, QA #2 Megadoses of Niacin, Andrew W. Saul’s Vitamin Channel:


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Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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