

Anti-bacterial, Anti-carcinogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-parasitic, Anti-protozoan, ‘Anti-viral’, Spike protein blocker


Dengue fever, HIV, Malaria, Parasites, River Blindness, Tuberculosis, Vaccination adverse events


Seems to be aiding those with ‘Covid’. One reason may be its anti-parasitic properties, which may be directly responsible for illness, or may simply be poisoning the host, making the body vulnerable to other toxins.


On the whole I avoid pharmaceuticals, but due to its popularity with alternative doctors to heal injury from the C19 inoculation, I have included it here.


Packets of Ivermectin tablets
Image: flickr CC_BY_2.0

Ivermectin was discovered by Professor Satoshi Omura from the Kitasato Institute, in micro-organisms in soils found only in Japan. He first explored its use for treating parasites and worms, and found it was 25 times stronger than other anti-parasitic drugs. One of the parasitic infections it was initially used for was Onchocerciasis or river blindness which is caused by a parasite spread by flies near bodies of water. A single dose was enough to kill off the parasite and return vision to those who were impaired, of which there were millions. [57] It was also approved by the FDA for roundworm, hookworm and ringworm. [63]

Ivermectin has been used as an ‘anti-viral’ to treat yellow fever, dengue fever and others, and as a regulator of proteins involved in the anti-viral response. [59] Regarding its anti-viral properties, although I understand contagion is a myth, I include this information here as the medicine appears to be effective, even though the mechanisms by which relief is obtained is unclear to me at this point. My suspicion is that as it clears parasites, it may reduce the toxic load on the body, therefor allowing it to clear itself of the cellular debris commonly caused a ‘virus’. I will leave you to make up your own mind on this.


Ivermectin, along with Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin, reportedly bind to the ACE2 receptors on human cells, which then prevents the Spike Protein from attaching to the human cell membrane. [60][61][62] They are especially effective when combined with zinc as they help zinc permeate the cell membranes. This then reportedly kills or inactivates ‘viral’ particles, [62] though my personal take on that aspect is that because these compounds allow the zinc into cells, it then mobilizes toxic compounds such as heavy metals from the cell tissue allowing the cells to heal themselves.


Regarding whatever Covid 19 is, a study was released in early 2022 carried out in Brazil, to determine the efficacy of prophylactic use of Ivermectin. After 6 months of monitoring residents it was found that 1 fortnightly dose of Ivermectin reduced infection by 44%, mortality by 70% and hospitalization by 67%. [59]

Image by birgl from Pixabay

It has not however been approved for use with Covid 19 by FDA, and WHO has recommended it not be used except in clinical trials. [63] I find this odd as the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines is a global trial with no prior history of use to prove its efficacy or safety!

Australian Federal Senator Malcolm Roberts is just one of many who have called the government out for not approving Ivermectin for Covid 19. He mentioned that it had a strong safety record after 3.7 billion doses have been administered over 60 years. It was found effective against Covid 19 in areas of India, South America, Europe and Asia, and 40 research papers have detailed the success of Ivermectin with Covid 19. [57]


Although many doctors and health practitioners recommend Ivermectin to help bind spike proteins and lower inflammation relating to vaccine injury, none of them specify a dosage.

Ivermectin is dosed by body weight. The standard dosage for parasites is 0.2 mg/kg body weight taken orally as a single dose. [63] Due to being sensitive to medications I took half that dose and had a little reaction, and took a full dose two weeks later.

It is highly recommended to talk to your health professional before using this medication.


  • The WHO previously deemed it safe for use for parasites, with reports of only 11 mild adverse effects per million doses.
  • Due to it being made unavailable in multiple areas of the world for Covid 19 use, many people have tried the version used for animal de-worming. There have apparently been some overdoses due to this, as dosing is very different. My unofficial offering is that if this is all that is available, be very diligent with checking your dose (0.2 mg/kg), or work with an allied health professional for advice if one is available.
  • A common side effect is dizziness. I would venture to say this may be due to a herxheimer reaction due the toxic debris commonly released as parasites are killed off. Personally I felt quite wobbly for a few hours after taking it, and simply lay down till the experience passed. A friend who took it said he felt it effects quite strongly too, so he fasted and rested for a few hours afterwards.
  • If these feelings persist after a couple of hours my non-professional suggestion would be some activated charcoal in water to help soak up the toxins, so please talk to your health advisor about this.


In some countries Ivermectin is available over the counter at the pharmacy, but most western countries require a prescription, so please talk to your health advisor.


[67] Staff, 21 December 2021, What is Ivermectin? , Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance @ Odysee:

[68] Roberts M, September 2021, Ivermectin, Multiple channels, ‘, Malcolm Roberts is the Senator for Queensland, Australia

[69] Lawrie T, May 2021, Ivermectin discussion with Dr Tess Lawrie, Free4eva Media @ Brighteon,


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