Two wine glasses with light yellow liquid clinking together with a sunset beach behind



Anti-aging, Anti-septic, Detoxifier, Disinfectant, Neutralizer of poisons, Purifier, Regenerative


Arteries, Cancer, Cellular repair, Diabetes, Excessive Menstruation, Fibromyalgia, Heart, Herpes, HIV, Kidneys, Lyme, Pregnancy issues, Nerves, Vaccine antidote, Veins


Removes heavy metals and other poisons. Acts as an antidote to the shot. Dissolves blood clots and cancerous tumors. Helps to heal heart disease. Resets the DNA back to its original blueprint


Urine Therapy, known as Uropathy, is well known amongst various Religious scriptures, Ayurvedic volumes, and many western doctors in past and present history. It is the practice of using either fresh or aged urine medicinally, either by consuming via the mouth, taking internally via enemas or douches, or externally on skin via massaging and compresses.

Photo of fountain of young boy urinating
Image by Jolande from Pixabay

Mostly it refers to using one’s own urine, but urine from other animals has also been used. Urea, one of the components of urine, is an STA approved drug used as a diuretic. [42] Urea from horses is commonly used in face creams and anti-aging products. [39]

In Islam Camel urine is mentioned as an aid for belly problems and other health issues. Multiple clinics in India practice urine therapy and you can even buy cow’s urine to drink in cans! [40]

It is currently perhaps one of the more challenging therapies for many people to grasp, due to our conditioning around urine being labelled a waste product. But it is actually so beneficial that some label it the “Elixir of youth.” [39]

Before your ‘ewww’ factor kicks in too hard, perhaps consider that urine is extracted out of the blood in the kidney [42], and in fact is labelled ‘plasma ultra-filtrate’ by scientists. [42] Not only that, but amniotic fluid is 96-98% urine, and a baby’s lungs cannot develop properly without it. So we all essentially spend the first 9 months of our developing life swimming in our mamma’s pee. [42]

Now back to adulthood. Why on earth would you want to drink your wee? Apparently it is great for your health, dissolves cancer tumors, dissolves blood clots, neutralizes poisons, regenerates cells, heals skin issues and cures a huge variety of illnesses. Also, it’s free. Well, unless you buy canned cow pee, it’s free.


Amandha Vollmer said “the body is always trying to help itself, and get back to homeostasis.” Therefore we would be wise to learn to work with the natural direction of the body rather than work against it or try to supress it. [39]

Dr. Lee Merritt mentioned that Ancient medicine was about purification and detoxification. [41] If you consider that urine is considered the ultimate antidote to most if not all poisons, as well as a detoxifier and diuretic, then you will see why it is considered by so many to be an important remedy.


Before we look at what urine can do for us, let’s see exactly what it is. Every type of vitamin, mineral, hormone and anti-body in the blood is also in the urine, which aid immunity and boost defense against many diseases. [35][42]

The bulk of Urine is made of about 95% water and 3% Urea. The rest is a combination of Ammonia, Antibodies, Anti-venoms, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Chloride, Creatine, Electrolytes, Enzymes, Fatty Acids, Hormones, Magnesium, Metabolites, Pigments, Potassium, Sodium, Stem cells, Tissue salts and Urokinaise. There are also apparently 6 unidentified molecules in urine, so the healing components cannot be synthesized – not for lack of trying though! [40]

There can also be a small percentage of toxic elements in urine, though these can actually upregulate the body’s ability to detoxify the same elements. [39][40] One woman who had lethal levels of mercury in her body had only 0.00015mg of mercury per liter of urine, so a toxic body does not necessarily mean toxic urine. [42] In fact Amandha Vollmer says that small amounts of toxins may be good as they trigger the body to flush them out. [39]


Urine dissolves waste products and toxins in the body. They are then removed through the mouth, nose, anus and skin, which may lead to vomiting, cough, cold, diarrhea and skin eruptions. While uncomfortable, these symptoms are very helpful for detoxification, so should be encouraged rather than repressed. [35]

It is a strong inhibitor of the growth of Tuberculosis, and scientists spent 11 years trying to isolate the substance killing TB but could not. Chemotherapy treatment for Cancer has a very low survival rate, but urine therapy has cured many tumors without creating any issues for the patient. [42] Urine cleans cholesterol in arteries [35] and stimulates anti-body production so in that way it acts as a vaccine is supposed to. [42]

Urokinaise, from urine, is found to activate substances in the blood to dissolve blood clots, which in turn aids diseases such as of the cardiac and respiratory systems. [35][40] Urea is required for synthesis of protein [42], and the Stem cells in your first urine of the day help to repair your cells. [40]

Close up of a wasp peeping out from its hidey hole
Image by David Hablützel from Pixabay

In the case of bites and stings from insects and snakes, an antidote is created in the urine within 20 seconds. Amandha Vollmer tried this on her own daughter who was stung by a wasp. Within seconds of internal and external application of her pee, had forgotten about the sting. By the time they got home there was no welt or any evidence that the incident had even taken place. [39]

Dr Lee Merritt said soldiers are told to pee on snake bites to receive the anti-venom the body produces. She claimed Covid acts like a poison, and like me she doesn’t trust the virology narrative at all. So it makes sense that a substance known to neutralize poisons will also neutralize whatever Covid is. [41]


Amandha Vollmer

Has been using urine for decades both internally and on her skin with great health benefits, and as previously mentioned she treated her daughter with it. She is also experimenting with aged urine which greatly increases the stem cell count. In one discussion her host Sascha mentioned her own daughter who was adversely affected by being born with only one kidney; she drank her pee daily and regulated her kidney function after only 10 days. [39]

Dr. Edward Group

As of June 2022, has been practicing urotherapy for 14 months, and says it contains everything you need to heal your body. One of his first experiences was using it to successfully treat a fractured foot after an accident. He claims his healing took 6 days instead of the usual few weeks. [40]

Dr Rashid Buttar

States that urine is the antidote to cancer, as there are antigens in cancer, and the body create antibodies to those antigens which are then in the urine. Patients with stage 4 cancers have successfully dissolved them with urine therapy for many years now. [41]

During a discussion amongst doctors, Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. Larry Palevsky both reported improvements in both internal and skin health after using regular urine therapy following a talk by Dr. Edward Group. [41]

Martha Christie

She began educating others about the wonders of urine when in desperation after devastating illness she began to try it for herself with great results. [37] Christy also mentioned many reports and studies of successful urine therapy among doctors and scientists til the 1930s, when pharmaceuticals especially antibiotics took over. These included:

Charles Duncan MD, who first wrote about it in 1918 for treating UTIs, cystitis and diabetes.

Dr. Gault in the 1930s who treated eye disease.

Dr. Chemine from Italy who used it as a vaccine type therapy.

Countless doctors around the world have used urine for decades intravenously. [42]


During times of war many soldiers have been instructed to use their urine topically in internally in the case of snake bite, which is common on some areas.


Apparently the Tibetan Lamas maintain their health in harsh environments though the practise of drinking their urine.  [35]


In the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda, urine is considered a killer of poisons, a purifier of blood, a rejuvenator a cure of all skin diseases, and important during religious vows and rituals.


Many believe that Proverb 5:15, “drink waters from your own cistern, running water from your own well.” refer to the use of taking urine internally. But there are plenty who say this is a mistranslation, so this is so far unconfirmed in my book. [46]

Image by Patrizio from Pixabay

Urine Therapy is known as Amroli in tantric yoga practice, where it is considered a spiritual practice first of all, and thought able to create immortality.

Within the field of Tantra yoga is the practice of Shivambu Kalpa-Vidhi, which is described in 107 verses from a 5000 year old Indian text. This details the method of drinking one’s own urine for rejuvenation.

It recommends the now popular method of drinking the midstream flow from the first urine of the early morning, to remove senility and disease. When followed daily the following effects are said to be had on the practitioner.

  • 1 month – internal purification
  • 2 months – energizes the senses
  • 3 months – destroys all diseases
  • 5 months – divine vision and free of disease
  • 6 months – high intelligence
  • 7 months – extraordinary strength
  • 8 months – permanent glow ‘like gold’
  • 9 months – free from tuberculosis and leprosy
  • 10 months – treasury of luster
  • 11 months – purify organs
  • 12 months – equal to the sun in radiance

After 12 years it is said no poisons can kill him, he cannot be consumed by fire, and he can ‘float on water’, which would be a cool party trick. Combinations with various spices (such as Amritaka and Ginger), foods (Such as honey) and practices follow this for cleansing and strengthening the physical and spiritual body in many different ways. There are also instructions for massaging with urine but only once it has reduced to 25% volume after being stored in an earthen pot.

Two camels in the desert with saddles

Dr. Faten Abdel-Rahman Khorshid studied the effects of camel urine for cancer treatment, after being inspired by advice from Prophet Muhammad in a Hadith mentioning the use of camel milk and urine for medical use in humans.

Dr. Khorshid found nano-particles in the camel urine which show promise in treating cancer, after some cases demonstrated significant reduction in tumor size. Studies are continuing on lung, stomach, colon, breast cancers and more. [45]


1963: A study by Albert Szent-Gyorgi et al mentioned that urine therapy has over 2000 years of history as a folk remedy, and at least 45,000 injections of urine and / or its components have been administered in the past 30 years with no ill effects. [37]


Many doctors testify to the efficacy of Urotherapy for cancer. Dr. Rabagilati of Bradford for instance reported his patients had breast cancer tumors reverse and disappear within 4-14 days when using Urotherapy. In addition Dr S.R. Burzynskj M.D. used a derivative from urine to reverse malignant cells to normal. [35]


This property of urine could explain why many tout it as a remedy to remove the spike protein.


Spiro was a German researcher found that urea has a unique ability to dissolve foreign proteins, which include ‘viruses’ and allergens. It was later confirmed that polio and rabies were destroyed by urea, though as I believe viruses do not exist I suspect that it was more to do with detoxifying poisons as opposed to destroying a ‘virus’. [37]


In the American Journal of Physiology, researcher W. Ramsden also reported protein dissolving properties of urine, and its anti-bacterial action also demonstrated effective treatment of wounds to prevent putrefaction. [37]


A study by Dr. Carmelo Giordano from the Naples University School of Medicine focused on a malfunction with kidneys where they do not digest proteins properly which can lead to severe health issues. By adding urea to the diet this issue was rectified.  [37]


1988: Dr. Alvin Friedman-Kien et al found antibodies to HIV-1 in the urine of AIDS patients. [37]


1993: It was discovered that urine increased immune response, T-cell population and viral resistance in participants. [37]


1982: A study by Dr. William D. Linscott, PhD, found that antibodies in the urine which were triggered following the introduction of antigen receptors were an important regulator of the immune response. [37]


Your pee can be used everywhere! Can be applied to the eyes, ears, nose, scalp, skin, gargled and swallowed. Can be rubbed on, massaged in, used in an eye dropper, in baths and footbaths and compresses. [39]

Glass beaker containing fresh urine
Image: SuSanA Secretariat;

The first urine of the morning is recommended to use as it is rich in stem cells and metabolites. [39] To collect urine, allow some of it to pass to clean out the urinary passage, before collecting the desired amount of urine for use as a general health tonic. Urine must be used fresh – within 15 minutes. It may have some discoloration, strong odour, even protein or puss if the health is compromised. After a few days this will clear and the quality will be more palatable. [35] If you don’t like the idea of drinking urine straight, you can mix it with fruit juice such as berry or orange, but avoid apple. [39]

  • Internal dosage ranges from a teaspoon to a full glass depending on your age, and what feels right for you. [35]
  • Amandha Vollmer recommends 1-2 oz internally, starting with a few drops under the tongue and working your way up to the desired dose. [39]
  • Dr. Merritt recommends 1-4oz., or 30-120ml of fresh urine taken midstream from the first urine of the day. [41]

If you can’t stomach the idea of drinking pee, it is even beneficial to place just 1 or 2 drops under the tongue for a homeopathic dose. This gives the body a snapshot of the current state of itself – which changes constantly. This then triggers the body into whichever processes it requires to maintain health. [39]

A process called ‘looping’ is used for chronic illness, which is where all the urine passed is drunk during a fast til healing is complete. It is recommended to dry fast during this time, unless you are dehydrated in which case take some filtered water. [39]

For acute illnesses combining this with urine enemas and urine rubbing is recommended to aid a quick recovery, but please speak with a Urotherapist if this is the case. [35]


For skin treatment or rashes, bites, burns, acne, psoriasis, or indeed any skin issue, simply rub fresh urine into the affected area as often as needed. If I have bites or irritation I rub a little urine on every time I pee, as well as a homeopathic drop under the tongue, as the components of it change as the needs of the body change throughout the day.

For general skin health you can collect your morning midstream urine, take your internal dose, and use the rest to rub into your skin and hair.

I do this standing in the shower cubicle with the fan on to reduce the smell. After a few minutes of all over massage simply shower it off and rinse down the shower itself. I rarely use soap as there is no need, and this process leaves the skin refreshed without stripping the oil off. I do find I still need to add soap or shampoo to the front of my hair or it looks a little heavy.

For excessive menstrual bleeding, place a cotton wool soaked in urine into the vagina overnight, and during the day also if required. A compress of urine can also be placed over the vagina to speed up healing. [35]

Urine is completely sterile so it is recommended on wounds, infections, in eyes and ears, and in fact in any orifice! Apparently even IV therapy used to contain sterilized urine. [39]


For breast cancers that are moving out through the skin. [39] If you have cancer please seek guidance from your health practitioner before trying this method.

  1. Cleanse the area.
  2. Apply 50% – 70% DMSO
  3. Apply a castor oil pack
  4. Cleanse the area with Bicarb soda
  5. Apply 50% – 70% DMSO
  6. Apply a urine pack

Urine is considered aged after anything from 4 days of storage. Some age it for up to 4, even 9 months and this is considered to be very powerful. The stem cells multiply by the millions during this time, and the urine can then be used for enemas for parasites, to ingest and to do urine rubbing. When aged it is recommended to filter it first with a fine stainless strainer, and some sediment can occur. [39]

Dr. Group recommends ‘Evolving’ urine by placing in a window sill where it will receive some sun for 9 days or up to 9 months. [40]

When aging urine the uric acid breaks down to ammonia, hence the pungent smell in areas without proper flushing toilets!!  For this purpose you will want to age your urine somewhere it will not affect the wellbeing of your nasal passages and your housemates… after a couple of weeks the ammonia will dissipate.


  • Do not use during pregnancy. [39]
  • Do not use during heavy menstruation as this may indicate high levels of toxicity in the body and blood. [39]
  • If you are heavily toxic it is recommended to detoxify in other ways first.  [39]
  • Opioids and other recreational drugs can be recycled via the urine, so it is not advised to practice it if you have been partying recently. [40]
  • If you are using medications, wait til at least 30 minutes after urine therapy before taking them. [40]
  • While many experts disagree, Dr. Merritt recommends you test your urine before use, especially if you are particularly acidic. It should be 6.5-7.0, but if it is very acidic at around 5, add some sodium bicarbonate to alkalize it. [42]
  • During Urotherapy it is recommended to avoid refined, processed foods, alcohol, and tobacco. Keep food light and avoid overeating. [35]


So you can apparently buy cows’ urine in India, and Camel urine in Arabic countries.

  • But, you know, you are the source baby!!


[39] Vollmer A D, September 2022, Sovereign Collective Podcast 47 – Supporting Detox in Today’s Increasingly Toxic World with ADV, Sascha Says @ Youtube:

[40] Group E, 18 June 2022, Ep. 121: The Power of Urine Therapy with Dr. Edward Group, The Courtenay Turner Podcast, @ Rumble:

[41] Palevsky L, Merritt L, et al, 28 June 2022, 100th Episode Of Critically Thinking – A Celebration and Critically Thinking Session with the 5 Docs, Critically Thinking with Dr T & Dr P:

[42] Christy M, date of talk unknown, circa 1994, uploaded 4 August 2022, URINE THERAPY – CURING CANCER, ALLERGIES, ARTHRITIS MM – MARTHA CHRISTY, essene07 @ Rumble:


Dr. Edward Group has created this fantastic resource including many books, studies and information on Urotherapy:





Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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