CGI image of healthy red blood cells


‘All sedentary workers … suffer from the itch, are a bad colour, and in poor condition … for when the body is not kept moving the blood becomes tainted, its waste matter lodges in the skin, and the condition of the whole body deteriorates. ‘(1700) — Bernardino Ramazzini


The blood is a major part of our detoxification system. It transports oxygen and nutrients around the body, and carries toxins to the liver for filtering and to the kidneys to filter out excess nutrients before elimination. So tending to the quality of the blood and blood vessels also tends to the health of the whole body.

One of the defensive functions of blood is to thicken and clot at the site of a wound, to prevent the body bleeding out. This response is created by platelets or thrombocytes, which aggregate or clump together to slow down and stop blood flow.


In the context of tissue damage it can save the life of its host, but certain conditions due to diet, medications or dis-ease, can contribute to excessive platelet aggregation throughout the blood vessels. This can then lead to blood clots developing within the body, which sadly seem to be showing up as a common side effect of the jibby jab.

Blood clots in the cardiovascular system can lead to heart attacks, in the brain can lead to strokes, and elsewhere in the veins can lead to thrombosis. Fortunately there are many substances that can negate this effect which you will see below in the nutritional support.

Anti-inflammatories are also important to maintain a smooth flow of blood around your body. Sluggish bowel movements may be a sign of blood issues, so clean up your blood if you are constipated.

And lastly balancing levels of calcium in the body is important to prevent it building up and causing blockages in the arteries.



Yoga class of healthy people exercising and doing forward bends on yoga mats

Cardiovascular exercise which increases the heart rate will help to flush and cleanse the blood through the lymphatic system, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.


A cold rinse for about a minute after a hot shower will make blood rush out to the limbs, and then when you return to room temperature the blood will return to the torso, flushing fresh blood throughout the body and organs.


Yoga can help improve circulation. Below is a sequence with Adrienne for healthy blood flow. Yoga For Healthy Blood Flow | Yoga With Adrienne


FOOD [3][4]
  • CAFFEINE – increases platelet formation.
  • ENERGY DRINKS – increase platelet aggregation.
  • HYDROGENATED FATS – such as soybean oil, shortening, canola and margarine. These molecules are highly inflammatory and cause blood clots.
  • HOMOGENIZED MILK – as this can create chronic constipation and mucus.
  • THE USUAL – Alcohol, smoking, processed foods, coffee, processed sugars – you know the drill.
Fruit stall with colourful display of fresh healthy fruits including grapes, persimmons and strawberries
  • ANTI-INFLAMMATORY – foods are all helpful for healthy blood.
  • APPLE CIDER VINEGAR – balances calcium and PH of the body. 1 tbsp. in a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  • BEETROOT (grated or juiced, raw) – cleanses the blood
  • BERRIES – neutralize uric acid, inhibit platelet function.
  • CHOCOLATE, dark – inhibits platelet aggregation.
  • FATS – Healthy less processed fats such as olive oil, organic ghee, free range eggs, butter and raw milk.
  • FISH – anti-inflammatory
  • LEMON JUICE – clears blood and digestive tract by alkalizing the body, especially if you take it first thing in the morning and then fast for a little while.
  • NATTOKINAISE – enzyme from Natto, a fermented soy bean product good for cardio.
  • ONION – inhibit platelet aggregation.
  • TOMATO – inhibit platelet aggregation.
  • WATER – healthy blood flow requires adequate hydration. Add a little Himalayan or Celtic salt, or lemon juice, honey, or 2 drops vinegar, to aid hydration.
  • WINE, in moderation – inhibit platelet aggregation.
HERBS [3][4]
Pile of Nigella seeds next to a glass bottle of nigella oil
  • ALFALFA – blood detoxifier.
  • DANDELION – diuretic, cleanses the liver.
  • GARLIC – inhibit platelet aggregation.
  • GOTU COLA – cleans plaque from arteries.
  • GINGER – great for circulation, inhibits platelet aggregation.
  • HAWTHRON BERRY – good for the heart.
  • JUNIPER BERRIES – diuretic detoxifies the body.
  • NETTLE – anti-inflammatory, good for kidneys, digestion, blood.
  • NIGELLA – reduces platelet aggregation. See listing in Remedies – Foods for more information.
  • TURMERIC – great for circulation
  • DMSO – Dimethyl-Sulphoxide is a solvent and therefor anything to do with coagulation can be negated with DMSO. Please see the detailed listing in the Supplements section for further details.
  • MAGNESIUM – balances calcium. If your breathing is compromised, such as sighing to try and get more air, you might be slightly acidic. Calcium and magnesium balance this, or boost your vegetables to ensure you are getting enough of these minerals.
  • VITAMIN D – get out in the sun or activate healthy fats in the sun for Vitamin D. See more information on the listing in Supplements section.
  • VITAMIN K – Mk2 moves calcium from where it is not needed to where it IS needed, so it doesn’t clog the arteries. Also aids Vitamin D absorption. Take 90-100 mcgm dose, with or after food, not on empty stomach. With or after food.
  • VITAMIN C – allows body to hold oxygen in the body. If you find you can’t hold your breath for very long, and if your muscles fatigue quickly, you may wish to boost your levels. Wheatgrass powder is a good natural source of the whole Vitamin C complex.
  • VITAMIN E – if you have high altitude low oxygen levels you need vitamin e. It helps muscles to hold oxygen, so muscle damage requires more of this nutrient. The muscle tissue in heart needs more oxygen, so chest pain such as angina as often a Vitamin E deficiency. Raw nuts, vegetables, avocados, seeds.


CGI image of healthy looking red blood cells flowing through a vein

Suggestions for affirmations you may like to use with kinesiology, meditation, prayer, visualisation, or your favorite tools for personal wellbeing:

  • My blood is clean and nourishing
  • My circulation system is strong and balanced
  • Blood flows freely throughout my veins and arteries
  • My venous system is strong and healthy
  • My blood platelets are balanced


If you have too few thrombocytes, this means the blood may not clot when it needs to leading to uncontrolled bleeding. If you have this condition please refer to your health advisor before making any dietary changes.


[1] Joshi Vivek, 2020, Clean Your Clogged Arteries And Prevent Heart Attack, Dr Vivek Joshi @ Youtube:

[2] Berg E, 2016, How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels Using Nutrition – Dr. Berg, Dr Eric Berg DC @ Youtube:



Wordsmith * Coach * Digital Content Producer

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