HOW TO PROTECT AND HEAL FROM RADIATION DAMAGE In addition to detoxification for general health, those who have been jabbed, and those who are subject to transference, there is another environmental aspect we may need to protect ourselves from. Radiation. Living on the earth which is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, in proximity to a sun which emits radiation, we are going to experience certain levels and types of radiation. This is nature and for the most part our bodies can deal with that, and even thrive in it depending on the frequency. But over the generations we have been hit with a growing number of man-made radiation emitting devices which have become problematic. WHY RADIATION PROTECTION IS IMPORTANT In addition to seemingly docile technologies aforementioned, there are increasing exposures to technologies that are overtly harmful. As you all know by now 5G has been rolling out globally. There have been suggestions that Covid was the cover up for the detrimental effects of yet another technological upgrade to the ‘kill grid’. If you have read anything outside mainstream media in the past few years you will know from reports or experience that 5G is causing real harm to people, animals and flora. Visit www.know5g.com-law.org for further information. As well as 5G, our homes, workplaces, transport systems and public spaces are increasingly filled with emissions including Radar, Radio waves, Smart meters, Wi-Fi, Electricity wires, Mobile phones, Microwaves, Indoor lighting, Mobile towers, Cancer ‘treatment’, Medical diagnostic tools and Household electrical goods, all of which emit frequencies. Small amounts of these may be tolerable for the body to cope with, but we are being bombarded at an unprecedented rate, at least in recorded history, and it is wise to take action to ensure our wellbeing during this onslaught. HOW RADIATION AFFECTS THE BODY Closely following the discovery of x-rays, the detrimental health effects of radiation were initially discovered and reported at the end of the 19th century. These included burns to the skin and cellular damage. These were largely ignored by the medical profession – several thousand of whom died in the proceeding decades. Later on survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki began to suffer leukemia, creating more awareness of radiation dangers, and eventually guidelines were put in place to limit radiation to a reasonably ‘safe’ level. Well, so we are told. [5] Let’s fast forward to the 21st Century. We are electrical creatures. The average man or woman now has excessive toxic heavy metals inside their bodies. Metal responds to radiation. When you are around electrical charges that are not inherent in nature, with a body full of Toxic Heavy Metals and potentially Nano Technology – what affect is this going to have on your health? Unfortunately there are very limited studies on the effects of radiation, but the little we do know is that EMFs are not healthful. All molecules are affected by radiation which affects the body in many ways, such as ionizing human tissue, creating DNA lesions and creating or exacerbating various forms of cancer. One of the main effects is oxidative stress, which when not balanced by enough anti-oxidants leads to cell damage and results in disease and aging. [14] EMFs have also been linked to nerve issues, neurological and psychiatric problems. [8] Radiation also causes various forms of toxicity in the cells. For example, exposure to certain voltages causes a situation where ions that don’t belong in cells get forced into cells, such as Calcium. While we do need Calcium for many bodily processes, in this scenario it causes excess Calcium and therefor toxicity of the cell. When this happens in the brain it creates Neuropsychiatric effects, or mental illness. [2] When you consider the mass hysteria and hypnosis that has occurred around the world during the Plandemic, a few more pieces of the puzzle fall into place, don’t they? Radiation can also cause Abortions, Anxiety, Concentration issues, Depression, Dizziness, Fatigue, Headaches, Infertility, Insomnia, Irritability, Lowered Libido, Memory issues, Nausea, Skin tingling and itching and Sleep disturbances. [8] Scientific studies have demonstrated that 5G causes cancer and genetic damage in mice, and reportedly causes nausea, swelling, low energy, depression, bone marrow damage, infections, organs damage and more in humans. [3] Personally I feel nauseous, irritable and lethargic around Wi-Fi and other EMF transmitting devices, or being too close to electrical wires, and can’t sleep with Wi-Fi nearby. It is so intense that if someone has the location turned on their mobile phone, I can tell within minutes as it causes a weird upset in my stomach. Apparently pathogens love the frequencies that our bodies abhor! PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who has been a steady voice in the realm of EMF toxicity for decades, insists on removal of all frequency emitting devices in initial treatment for autism clients. In fact he reportedly refuses to see patients on a return visit until they have cleaned the dirty electricity out of their home environments. He states that even if someone has no obvious symptoms of electromagnetic sensitivity, the effect on their bodies is the same. So, first thing is to limit your exposure wherever possible. NUTRITION TO PROTECT & HEAL FROM RADIATION Prevention and reduction through shielding as previously mentioned is helpful, but can be problematic if you need to get out into the world. Scientific studies have shown that pharmaceutical and nutritional protection is a viable option to protect the body from ionizing radiation. First, to my mind a basic detoxification applies, no matter whether you are detoxing from the jab, cleansing yourself after a bout of schmovid, detoxing from heavy metal toxicity, or prepping yourself for the next rally. There do however appear to be some aspects of physical renewal more specific to radiation damage, which we will focus on here. So, in addition to the general detoxification protocols in others chapters to get the toxins out of your body, there are certain compounds that are Radioprotective – that is, they help to heal or protect from radiation poisoning or exposure. You will find many if not most of these nutritional foods and compounds are the same as for heavy metal detoxification. One important mineral is Magnesium, as studies have shown it prevents injury by reducing calcium overload, reduces oxidative stress and apoptosis. [12] Studies on Reishi (Ganoderma) mushroom demonstrated its ability to aid DNA repair to cells after radiation, which is promising for radiation protection. [11] Selenium has also shown in studies to ne effective as it is anti-oxidant and regulates cell cycles and apoptosis. [9] PROPERTIES REQUIRED FOR RADIOPROTECTION [5] NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT First, reduce or remove foods that are high in radiation. The higher up the food chain you go, the more radiation toxicity you will have. So go for fresh organic fruit and vegetables and reduce meat products where viable. Here are some Herbs and Superfoods to strengthen the body against stressors and protect from radiation. Many of the foods and supplements mentioned here have their own listings. #S refers to a listing in the Supplements Section. #F refers to a listing in the Food as Medicine Section. FOODS [4][10][11][16] OTHER HEALING FOODS [16] BOTANICAL HERBS [5] SUPPLEMENTS [4][6][7][9][10] SUBCONSCIOUS SUPPORT As well as lovingly tending to your body to ensure its wellbeing, nourishing the subconscious can be very beneficial to maintain inner harmony and alignment with the highest good. You can use these balances as inspiration for visualisation, affirmation, meditation, with Kinesiology, or with any other healing tools you may have access to. FINAL WORDS We are in a monumental time where we are watching all possibilities play out at once. I feel our greatest medicine comes from energizing the highest outcome even while the ‘proof’ of the nightmarish narrative plays out before our eyes. So stay calm, remain centered, gently tend to the health of you and your loved ones, and work towards the highest outcome for all. If we can all take steps to do that the world will change for the better very, very quickly. VIDEOS [1] Staff, March 2013, The first steps towards radiation protection, Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire @ Youtube:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrHx3cwx6Sw [2] Adams M, 2019, Mike Adams about nutrition that can protect you against 5G radiation, Infowarriors of Norway @ Brighteon website: www.brighteon.com/e00d710a-3f88-45cb-a2b7-a7550efe8d19 [3] Delgado Martin R, 28 January 2022, The Jerusalem Report Season 2 Episode 3: Graphene Discovery And The Fall Of Democracy, Children’s Health Defense website: www.live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/the-jerusalem-report FREE E-BOOK DOWNLOAD FROM KNOW 5G Please enjoy this free e-book for your reference and to share amongst your friends and networks. Click on the image to the right to open the pdf copy of ‘Reducing EMFs and Their Effects’ from kNOw 5G. WHERE TO NEXT?