HOW TO HELP THE BODY ELIMINATE WASTE “Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick.” -Hippocrates Ideally before you start moving toxins such as metals out of the body you would optimize the body’s ability to flush them out completely. But if you have just had the shot and need to detoxify immediately you may not have time to do this. Either way, the following practices will help you either prepare for or deal with whatever toxic load is being released through your cleansing regime. These simple but effective tools and practices will help your body’s natural process of elimination. I would personally recommend you get in the habit of doing at least one of these practices every day, to aid your general health, to prepare your body to detoxify, and to maintain your resilience against future incursions. CONTENTS BATHING FASTING DRY BRUSHING ENEMAS INFRA RED SAUNA OIL PULLING URINE THERAPY YOGA WHERE TO NEXT?